What the heck is wrong with my freind?

by Strider Arekksu 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Strider Arekksu
    Strider Arekksu

    Well, I already posted about the JWs clearly having thier doctrine just crap. But I told my friend and it seems like it's just not getting through. Like he will say he'll look into it, but he really won't or I'll give him a 12 page paper that is 3/4th scripture countering nay DESTROYING a JW doctrine out of the reasoning book and he won't do anything... Just blank out. Why?I give him resources guides, I SPOON FEED him the information and articles.

    I seriously want to ask him if he's being an idiot on purpose. I know I sound mean, but this is serious. Why the hell would you want your freind or family to stay in a lie? You get them the hell out. But it seems they'd rather call God a lier than leave this organization governed by freaking morons. Are people honestly this stupid?It's like their minds just malfunction, they can't compute that they have been raised in a lie. You get a hold of yourself, you say "there are too many crazy @#$%s who lie", and you start working hard to find truths. But he's not getting it.

    I mean he isn't baptized but I was, but I was more of doing it because that was really all I could do at that point, I knew all the doctrine, I was tired of them hinting at me getting baptized, I wanted to make my dieng grandma happy, so I did it. I never did actually take the doctrine and run with it, I just held onto it with a grain of salt and slowly got pissed that they kept repeating the same crap over and over again, and people kept failing to listen, people aren't perfect, but come on. How can I improve my character around kids who are so fake?

    I would say that the ONLY thing stupid I ever believed was the "light gets brighter" crap. I thought it was in the scriptures, otherwise I thought that they would be complete idiots to use it, and I figured people who follow the religion already asked about it and was told it was in the scriptures. I assumed it was one of those "been there done that" issues. It seems people are even DUMBER than I ever imagined. There are sheep and then there are puppets, and this org is having a damn good show.

  • yknot

    Indoctrination runs deeper in some......

    I would honestly suggest you ditch the scripture approach, you know he is just gonna self-regulate.

    Maybe ask different questions....

    Why do you want to be a Witness?

    What has he done to 'make sure all things' regarding the WTS's claim of appointment?

  • blondie

    So does he want to be baptized and be a jw? I never understood people who would support WTS beliefs but not back it up with personal action.

  • crapola

    I'd personally lay off awhile. If you keep talking about it, it might just make him upset with you. Show him how happy you can be without the org. Don't push so hard.

  • Strider Arekksu
    Strider Arekksu

    But I'm afraid's gonna get my friend and family killed eventually, there gonna teach something completely stupid and its going to get them killed.

    For example, let's JUST SAY that the Babylon the Great thing happens as they say, but Oh Oh! The Witnesses were wrong, they really aren't the truth and when they run to hide there is no point, they all get killed too. Lunk 21: 8 and 2 Theselonians 1-4, make it clear that we need to avoid Witnesses because of what they claim.

    My grandma told me how she got into the 'truth', her mom was into Gypsie fortune telling, one day she got a fortune telling her that two people would come to her door with 'good news' and to listen to it. Ever since she told me that, I was worried. It seems the demons were not lieing, God's kingdom is good news, and it is good to listen, but the demons never said anything else, they didn't say to join the people, but I guess that's what they wanted.

  • asilentone

    Everyone has to make their own decisions for themselves. You do not make the decisions for them. Just let it go and be cool.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You seem to have similar Apocalyptic claptrap still circulating in your own head.

    Get yourself a Bible and read it like you are the first person to ever find a copy and have nothing but your knowledge of grammar to guide you.

    You are wasting your time telling your friend anything. He has been trained to not listen.

    He is being trained to teach, so ask a question.

    One question. Make it agood one. Know what the answer will be before you ask it.

    Don't change the subject, don't let him change the subject.

    You can tell him a thousand reasons why he is wrong, but you haven't made any progress until he tells you he was wrong on one of them.



  • garyneal

    They're in a cult, plain and simple. Get Steve Hassan's book, "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and read it before you engage them further. As you read it, think of what the author is saying concerning the authentic personality and the cult personality and see if you have ever noticed this in the people you've witnessed to.

    Judging from your starting post, it certainly appears that you triggered the cultic responses. Once a person goes into the cult mode, it is best to change the subject.

  • peaches

    be a friend,,,not a preacher

  • wobble

    Our friend Black sheep is right, the only way is to ask a question, when they find they cannot answer it they are trained to bring in "straw men" arguments that sidetrack your train of reasoning.Keep them on track,and yourself.

    Cognitive Dissonance is such an integral part of the inductive and ongoing training of the WT/JW's that the person you are talking to is not capable of positive, rational reasoning.

    It is frustrating, I once took a witness through ALL the things that are wrong with the Org. doctrine and practices, and he came back to "Yes but Jehovah will sort these things out" Sigh.

    Good luck,


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