Does ANYTHING About JWs Make Sense To You?

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I've been thinking about why people become Jehovah's Witnesses and why they remain in the religion.

    It seems like almost everything they believe in is flawed.

    The chronology, which this religion is founded on is a problem. Pivotal dates such as 1914 and 607 B.C.E. are provably innacurate.

    Their understanding of Bible prophecy is pathetically funny. They teach everything in prophetic Bible books ultimately apply to them.

    Their belief that the "Faithful & Discreet Slave Class" exists is ridiculous.

    In all fairness, they cannot 'prove" anything they say about their Organization as being "truth". Their "truth" changes often.

    It must take a certain type of personality to want to become a Witness. If you were raised in the religion, it could very well be that you've never looked beyond what the Governing Body teaches. But if you have a "critical" mind (and that's a good thing!) you have to question a lot of things about Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I agree that they teach moral cleanness as do many other groups. Other than that, what do they have that keep people enslaved to their brand of thinking??

  • happy1975

    They're enslaved by what 'might' happen if they leave: I was born-in and it was ingraned in me from as long as I can remember that people that leave are worse off than worldly people. So even if you do have doubts you're scared to even let your mind go there for fear you end up a drug addicted alcoholic living under a bridge somewhere.


  • Heaven

    For people who are recruited in, they are looking for something missing in their lives. The JWs promise them this.

    For born-ins like me, you get to your teen years and you either buy-in or you don't. I think it all depends on what's going on in your family. Some people stay while others don't. I was lucky because my folks weren't baptized while I was growing up. I saw the wackness and chose not to join. It helps to move away from those trying to influence you and get real busy with life so you are unavailable. The WTS wants your time and if you don't have any, well, you're just not a good fit.


    Nothing about the WBT$ makes sense..It never made sense as a JW Kid

    It`s like growing up in a mental institution,with the patients running the hospital..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    Negativity is the root of their thinking. EVERYTHING is BAD! Eventually, a JW gets conditioned to be negative and fearful of the big bad world out there.


    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • flipper


  • peaches

    i was contacted,,,not born into....knew absolutely nothing about the bible....DID YOU KNOW THAT GOD HAS A NAME???? no i did not...SHOWN A SCRIPTURE.....PICTURE OF PARADISE!! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE HERE??? yes,,,,SCRIPTURE READ..EARTH TO BE A PARADISE...etc etc WOULD YOU LIKE A BIBLE STUDY TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WHAT GOD PROMISES....yes...

    thats how i came into the organization....things that STILL make sense to me becoming a paradise,,,,and that god has a name...

  • thetrueone

    Only that you can quite easily commercialize and exploit the bible for power and wealth.

    It was realized back in Russell's era that once you make a proclamation that Jesus has returned to earth,

    it grabs alot of attention from an already established Christian based society.

    Throw in an impending world wide destruction like Armageddon and you have great publishing potential

    for a publishing company. Thats the only thing that makes real sense, the folly of human psychology.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    No not really. I have a friend that was in for 10 years and eventually DA'ed herself. Coming in as an adult the "what happens when we die" appealed to her. I am comfortable in not knowing. NMKA

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