Violent TV will lead us to slaughter each other at the Big A!!--July 15th, 2010 WT

by sd-7 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A.Fenderson

    In fact, it could well be that the numerous forms of violent entertainment popular today are conditioning the minds of many for the time when each man's hand "will actually come up against the hand of his companion." (Zech. 14:13)

    My interpretation of this scripture is that there will be lots of high-fiving.

  • sd-7
    My interpretation of this scripture is that there will be lots of high-fiving.

    Dang! You beat me to it!

    Taken in terms of how it is quoted in the paragraph, that was my interpretation as well. Evidently, the high-fiving will be a direct result of watching action sequences that get cooler and cooler as technology and filmmaking improves. Would we want to be involved with these films, no doubt written and directed by people who have so-called higher education?

    Heck, yeah.

  • sir82

    For a God who "hates violence" so much, he certainly filled "his word" with a bunch of it....not to mention "his" organization which delights in producing illustrations in its childrens books of terrified people running from flaming hailstones and falling into deep pits.

  • Mythbuster
  • metatron

    Feed this hate filled excrement to Russia! This sort of mass blood lust - possibly triggered by a clown like Loesch- is wonderful for our just cause of fighting Watchtower injustice!

    This garbage feeds suspicions that Witnesses are antisocial at best and terrorists at worst.


  • JeffT

    I just watch a viagra ad, will that get me laid?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I really must get my hands on the July 15 WT. I might even go to a meeting to pick mine up.

    No need. The Kool Aid Watchtowers are all online now as pdfs at

    I think it takes a LOT of sack for the borg to talk about "conditioning the minds of many."

  • AllTimeJeff

    Yup, worldly people are going to kill each other, and.....

    All protected JW pedophiles are going to screw each other.... Am I right?

    Another JW paranoid induced fantasy. The GB loves to imagine Armageddon, and their club level seats. Must be nice to be annointed.

  • jamiebowers
    For a God who "hates violence" so much, he certainly filled "his word" with a bunch of it....not to mention "his" organization which delights in producing illustrations in its childrens books of terrified people running from flaming hailstones and falling into deep pits.

    My thoughts exactly!

  • transhuman68

    Well I went to and downloaded the MP3 "What will Jehovah's day reveal", and I think this article is a classic. I used to sit in the Kingdom Hall thinking about what song would be No. 1 on the Top 40, but when a Watchtower article like this was studied, it used to really scare me! No wonder I'm a fruit cake: week after week of this stuff is enough to fry anyone's brain..

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