Joining JW's using the 'bait - n - switch' method

by babygirl30 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • babygirl30

    I used to work in Advertising, and more specifically, with Automotive Dealers. A lot of them are notorious (even though it's illegal) for the 'bait-n-switch' sales tactic: they advertise one loaded model car, customer calls in and is interested in THAT particular advertised model, the dealer claims to have it and so the customer stops in to drive it, and then BAM! Dealers suddenly doesn't have the advertised model BUT offers the customer another low-end model for apprx the same price.

    FOr some reason that reminds me of how people come into the JW religion. They are 'baited' with all this hope and love, genuine friendship, and Bible knowledge on a surface level. Then the person gets baptized, and the SWITCH happens - they learn that the love is underminded with people who really don't give a rats butt, those friendships are conditional, and that NOW their dedication means they are to cut off ALL others (family, friends, children, associates) that are not part of the faith. It's illegal in the workplace and should be illegal across the board.

  • lepermessiah

    Good analogy!

    Its so disingenuious and fake too.

    "Spiritual Paradise", "Worldwide Brotherhood" , etc........

    Look at the "Year Text" for 2010 - "Love Never Fails"

    For the WT to apply it to themselves makes me want to barf.

  • yknot

    Yes..... our key 'ringer' is our presentation of living humble and moral lives.....

    Well dressed, mild mannered, appearing to have answers via 'simple truths' are our main sales pitch.

    The coercive tatics are really noticeable until later, when you the love bombing ends and the demands to 'do more' begin to make a person feel unworthy. The WTS always bets on the convert wanting to save his/her investment into the WTS.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Excellent point about saving one's investment in the WTS, Yknot. It is hard to let go of sunk costs even when it makes perfect sense to do so.

  • mindmelda

    Yeah, it sounds like you've made the deal of a lifetime until you drive the car home and find out the wheel bearings have been packed with sawdust and grease and the body is half bondo.

    Good analogy, my husband used to sell used cars for his uncle after high school and that's exactly the tactics they use. Whenever we went to buy a used vehicle, he'd just smile and tell them he used to sell cars for a living once and then start looking for all the tricks.

  • babygirl30

    The WTS always bets on the convert wanting to save his/her investment into the WTS.

    YO! I like that statement a LOT!!! Makes perfect sense...all that time and energy studying and going to mtgs IS an investment.


    Your offered a Bible Study......You get a WBT$ Literature Study..

    Your welcomed into the JW Cult.....Nobody told you,you could`nt leave once your in..

    Your offered Everlasting Life.....Your life is Stolen by the WBT$,then you Die..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s..Are..

    "WBT$ Bullshit" Salesmen..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • serenitynow!

    What's really sad is that those of us who were born in never even got a chance to listen to the sales pitch and make our own decision to join.

  • Scott77

    Outlaw , I think you are creative and outrageously hilarious

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    During the time that you are studying you can say anything you want ask any question you never think it's going to end the concentration is on the paradise earth the resurrection you don't talk about the carnage at armageddon if you were not raised in the org you don't know about important issues like 1975 why would you so you don't ask about it . definately bait n switch you sign on for something completely different than what you get.

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