My Son's JW Mom Sends Him Condescending "Guilt Inspiring" E-Mail

by flipper 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • ana_dote

    I haven't read anyone else's comments yet cuz I'm really too tired lol BUT....that "letter"....that is not from a mother to a son. AT ALL. It definitely pisses me off and makes me want to throw up at the hokey sounding innocence she tries to portray. I mean, come on....MY mom is a demure farm girl that can be shy at times and can also be pretty cheesy...but she would NEVER sound as friggin CHEESY AS HELL as that woman.

    AND it irritates the CRAP outta me when people like to twist the music you write. I wrote a song that I decided to call "devil's day"....and my mom hated it....altho I think she simply hated it for the title alone. But...if you actually listened to the words of the song you would realize that the whole song was about fighting against the devil tryin to get you down and how he was gonna "have his day"...or in other words, get what's coming to him. lolol and yet some people were all weirded out by it.


  • jehovahsheep

    if the wts was in charge of the the new world restoration -it would fail.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Wow, Flipper. Please keep us posted on what your son ends up doing about this.

    Whenever I read something like this I shudder to think that I used to feel the exact same way. I was ALL IN to the cult. Now it's so loony-looking that it's laughable, except that it's so freaking sad at the same time.

  • flipper

    I'll reply to the rest of this page 2 then after posting will do pg. 3. Thanks for all the responses !

    SNOOZY- Well , sometimes it takes me time to get back here on the board to answer everybody- I worked all last night- just woke up a couple hours ago - but I think it's important to value everyone's take. Thanks.

    DIANA NETHERTON- Don't mean to embarrass you, but let me clear up something- my son's mother is my EX-WIFE - haven't been married since 1998. LOL ! I USED to love her, yes - still love her as a " human being " like others- however I've been happily married to Mrs. Flipper almost 4 years now. I now love her as my wife in a romantic way. Met on E-harmony ! LOL !

    O.K. Now that we got THAT cleared up - I'm sorry you were treated that way by your JW mother. It seems many of our JW relatives try to predict our so-called impending demise and that we are doomed once we exit the JW cult. Bunch of nonsense. Most of us are much happier than we EVER were in the cult. I'm sure you would agree.

    PRIMITIVE GENIUS - I thought that was incredibly bizarre as well - putting memorial invitations out on Craig's list. As you stated - I thank my lucky stars I exited the witnesses years ago too.

    JWFACTS- I agree. It made me sick too. All the witnesses have is the " Garden of Eden " version of how life strated on this planet and like children wanting a bedtime story read to them- I think it satisfies the immature child in each of them. Very weird.

    DARTH FROSTY- Yes, I realize my ex-wife is deceived by cult mind control. And my son recognizes it too- that's why he can write like he did with confidence knowing she won't influence him. He has great critical thinking ability. If my ex-wife chooses to be in my son's life- from now on it will be on HIS terms, not hers. I honestly don't know if she can handle that " lack of control " over the circumstance.

    PEACHES- Hugs back to ya sis ! Thanks !

    ZIDDINA- I also thought it was disconcerting and bizarre how she talked to him like he was a 5 year old child. My god- this young man has been to 2 + years of college for Christ's sakes and he has a brilliant mind. You'd think by her letter he was still sucking his thumb with his blanket or something. Good for you that you don't let your JW family influence you ! Keep up the good work. Protect your sanity sis !

    OTWO- My ex-wife has always suffered from what i call the " JW martyr syndrome " - making fellow JW members feel sorry for her due to physical or emotional stresses she goes through. She has a saccharin sweet way of getting people on her side by playing an innocent little girl requiring empathy and everyone's attention. It's unnerving as well as downright scary to be around or observe

  • flipper

    O.K. Now for pg. 3.

    ANA_DOTE- My ex-wife has definitely played the " innocence card " for years trying to influence and manipulate people onto her side. I imagine of the JW people we knew from when I was married to her over 12 years ago and before - most of my former aquaintances think I'm an axe murdering, fornicating bigamist with 4 wives and 100 concubines by now who drinks continuosly and assaults the WT society with my every breath. ( Well the last bit is true- but I digress. ) It's just that with people like that- it doesn't matter WHAT we do- they will still think we are bastards.

    JEHOVAH SHEEP- If the WT society was in charge of the new world restoration ? The planet would explode and cease to exist.

    MAD SWEENEY- Please refer to my thread I posted AFTER this one as regards to my son's response to his mom's E-mail. I think you'll enjoy it. I agree- we were all mind controlled by the cult when inside- but some like my ex-wife were MORE mind controlled than others ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    if the wts was in charge of the the new world restoration -it would fail. If the WTS was in charge of the new world restoration, they'd loan money/materials to the locals for it, charge 3% interest to the local congregations until it was paid off, then "suggest" it is time for yet another restoration project, loan money/materials to the locals for it, charge 3% infinitum.

  • flipper

    MAD SWEENEY- Yes, indeed the WT society is in business to make $$$ for sure. It's not about the " new system " . LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • ana_dote

    "It's just that with people like that- it doesn't matter WHAT we do- they will still think we are bastards." - truer words were never spoken!

  • flipper

    ANA-DOTE- Yeah, no matter WHAT we do witnesses think we are ax murderers. We could be Mother Theresa - and still they'd think we are Satan

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