Crimes Committed by Jehovah's Witnesses...... and Catholics, and Baptists and......

by AllTimeJeff 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllTimeJeff

    Please allow me a small opinion, sparked by some drum bangers who are determined to expose and "bring down" the WTBTS. One way that this is done is by attaching a persons religion to a crime report.

    For example, rapists who are JW's are frequently brought up here. Child molesters and pedophiles. However, recently we have been reminded again that the largest Christian denomination, The Catholic Church, also suffers from the same problem. You will on occasion have their religion brought up, but, the only thing it means is that the person happened to be Catholic, or a JW, or ..... Did they commit the crime because they were Catholic or JW?

    Well, if its child molestation we are talking about, probably so. It is pretty clear to see by now how pedophiles use organized religion and their protected status in this country to hide and commit their atrocities.

    My point though is simple. Other crimes, such as murder, or theft, or drug possession, and we hear about it on these boards. As if we are trying to prove something.

    In a sense, I do think it needs to be exposed for any lurkers here. At the same time, any reasonable lurker who is a JW, perhaps is doubting, will not try to attach any more to the crime then any other reasonable person would.

    In short, I strongly feel that trying to attach the "they were a JW" to criminals who happen to be JW doesn't really accomplish a whole lot. I was a JW. I am not a murderer, a pedophile, a drug dealer. I am an upstanding citizen in most ways. (although Republicans might hate my guts....) In any case, my being a JW, or leaving JW's had little to do with me being a non criminal, tax paying citizen of the United States.

    I do the right thing because thats how my momma raised me. I still harm no one. I went in the JW world from being the best to a level just above Satan and Judas, all because I disagree with the GB. So their labels I don't care too much about.

    I get that the idea is to say "See? Hey you doubting JW lurkers, when you read in the WT that you are part of the greatest little religious club known to man, you aren't, you got just as many weirdos as the next religion, so cut it out with how great you are..." I get that. But you know, it was impressive 15 years ago, and now?

    Now, whether you like to believe this or not, JW's are an accepted part of the religious scenery of this country. People get that JW's are weird, will knock on your door and tell you that Paradise is a Watchtower away. Many people today aren't going to fall of JW's line of crap. They are going to go on the internet and compare what others are saying.

    That's why sensationalism works against "the cause". (whatever that is these days) Information, reasonably presented with life stories that report instead of exaggerate, that minimize emotions instead of emphasize them (no matter how painful or real those emotions are to us) continues imo to be the best way to expose JW's for what they are.

    I think we also have to realize, there are a lot of damaged people in the world, and they gravitate to cults. JW's are the cult we know best, but they aren't the only cults out there (see: Scientology) and if they don't go here, they WILL go somewhere else, I assure you.

    So relax. Imo, to make the exposing and taking down of JW's as one's life work is to still give ownership of your life to the WTBTS, just from the other side of the tracks.

    Love you all. (ok, most of you I love... some of you I tolerate... )

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    A point well made Jeff.

    Spotted a typo:

    My point though is simple. Other crimes, such as murder, or theft, or drug possession, and we herehear about it on these boards. As if we are trying to prove something.
  • AllTimeJeff

    Yeah, bad spellcheck on my part, I corrected it before you got the edited version...... Thanks though!

  • yesidid

    You know what Mickey,

    I really don't think it matters if posters make a typo.

    But if you think it does, perhaps it would be better to PM them.


    Sorry Jeff,

    You make excellent points...........they must be 'cause I agree with them.


  • jamiebowers

    Not many religions that I know of rant and rave about their spiritual paradise and demonize the world to their followers the way the jws do. I think posting stories about criminal acts of jws serves the purpose of letting people know that jws are no better than any other group when it comes to bad acts.

  • Scottiebear7

    You make a good point Jeff, but consider my ex-wife:

    She transports illegal aliens solely for the purpose of having them attend WTBT$ meetings. This is against the law, a federal law. When I confronted her with that she agreed, but said that she was following "God's Law".

    My ex-wife collects social security disability insurance for lower back problems, of which she had spinal fusion surgery on during the last year we were married. As her back healed, it became stronger than it had ever been in her life. Once healed, she spent as much time as possible, well over 40 hours/week, out witnessing, doing bible studies, etc.. I brought it up that if she could do all of that, it could be said that she was no longer disabled. She said that she couldn't work a regular job any more, so she was disabled, and that doing WTBT$ work was "different". I say, baloney. If she can hop in and out of cars all day long, walk house to house, sit for hours at a time, etc., there are many jobs that she can do. Basically, she is committing disability insurance fraud so that she doesn't have to waste time "working" and can spend her time proselytizing.

    While these crimes do not rank up there with murder, rape, pedophilia, etc., they are still very serious crimes. And they are directly committed on the basis of furthering the WTBT$. I find myself torn at whether I should turn her ass in or not for doing both.

    It's not that I wanted to prove you wrong, because I think you are absolutely correct in the point you make. I guess I'm just sickened at how the WTBT$ says that its members all follow the secular laws of the land, when in fact that's total bullsht. My ex-wife was never like that prior to rejoining the JW's.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse


    If the PM system on this site worked properly (ie alerted people to the fact they have a PM) I would have done so.

    As it stands I wanted to thank Jeff for his post anyway and since I know Jeff also posts his blog to freeminds, I thought it best to point it out.

    I wasn't doing it to piss on Jeff's post.

  • yesidid
    As it stands I wanted to thank Jeff for his post anyway and since I know Jeff also posts his blog to freeminds, I thought it best to point it out.

    It didn't seem like you. But I understand now why you did it. Thank you for explaining.


  • wobble

    I agree Jeff, to a degree, with all you say.

    I do think any paedophile case should be given as much publicity as possible, as they have always covered up and lied , like the R.C church, and they still do not have proper child protection in place, and will not until the light of publicity is shone upon them.

    I must admit that all the normal stuff, like the crimes you mentioned, comes as no surprise ever, I was 58 years in and just in my Congo. alone we had an incidence of every crime except murder.

    But lets not -prevent anyone who wants to, from posting stuff that pricks the JW's self-satisfied little bubble.

    Perhaps in the interests of balance and fairness we should post about crimes by Atheists, they were responsible for some of the worst crimes of the 20th century.


  • blondie

    I can say that such news about jws is mostly educational for non-jws. jws will just find some explanation. I do not think it will "bring the WTS down" any more than I believe SNAP will do that with the RC, not that that is their goal. But it is good to have people be more alert to criminals and dangers around them and take protective measures.

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