Who killed more people in the bible? God vs Satan

by Simon 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • glenster

    The numbers in the chart are about as different if you compare the two belief
    figures regarding giving life, too, though, except the devil's number would be

    The differences include belief that God gave all life with the prerogative to
    give whatever length, if any, or quality of life. Everyone dies, which would
    account for God's big death number, minus whoever took it without the preroga-
    tive, so God's giving life number would be bigger than his death number.

    The belief includes that the best you can do with the good (like life) and bad
    (like death) is be glad for your chance at it and the good you found in it (the
    Job outlook). And the devil, who gave no life, would represent not even having
    Job's outlook on life/God unless things suited him perfectly.

    It's not a literal death number, but the devil would therefore also represent
    however many had the choice but rejected a fully realized life in favor of a
    purview of only the bad part of it, obsessing that it deprived him of perfec-

    I liked George Carlin and thought he was funny in his pessimism about God and
    life sometimes--the bad things are a real part of the picture. But would I
    seriously be that simplistically pessimistic about life or God? For example,
    one of the good things about life for me is that it gave me those I loved and
    who loved me. I wouldn't count that for nothing for all the funniest pessimis-
    tic jokes in the world. Assuming George felt the same way about life, if not
    God, and the Job outlook works equally for either, I'll just figure he didn't
    apply them equally and count the jokes as jokes.

  • flipper

    Wow. Interesting stats there Simon. Even though I'm agnostic / atheist - perhaps I should give Satan a try for once ! LOL ! He seems a little more on the laid back side when it comes to killing people . Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • shamus100

    Meh. Getting mad at the flying spaghetti monster will get you nowhere.

    There's still lots of pent up anger here. Have fun venting it on the spaghetti monster - I'm sure he's listening.

  • stillajwexelder

    Bring him a hundred foreskins and all will be forgiven

  • thetrueone

    A good website to use as a reference on the violence of the one and only true god known as YHWH.


  • shamus100

    One day you're going to have to truly be agnostic and look at the bible as no more than an evil story book and not get in the nitty-gritty of trying to debate nonsense.


  • sooner7nc

    OMG that was so funny shamus.

  • miseryloveselders

    I feel like I'm crossing over by agreeing with this thread, but truth is truth. Gotta call em like I see em. The Bible has a higher body count than any rated R movie you could ever see.

    Satan had approval from god for the 10 he killed (Lot's kids, right?) so god gets partial credit for killing them.

    I almost did a thread on this some time ago. Satan killed Job's kids, and God blessed Job with more children. What kills me, no pun intended, is that the children replaced, were spoken of like pencils or some non important replaceable object. Like tires or brake pads. Jah allowed Satan to kill Job's daughters, and Jah gave Job a buy 5, get 5 free deal. He got some brand new daughters, the same way we get floor mats.

  • shamus100


    It's true, though. I mean just look at it! It's such horseshit.

    The only way the bible can be true is if you read it on majic mushrooms. So it doesn't matter to me that god killed so and so, and some kids called some old guy a baldhead and a bear came out and killed some kids, because I'm quite comfortable in calling it utter bullshit.

    It means nothing to me. Zero. I threw out my last copy of that trash many years ago.

  • thetrueone

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