It's Not A Hollywood Movie, It's Your Story

by AllTimeJeff 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heaven

    Heaven -I'm gonna remember those four human needs. That's a good reference to start to build.

    cult classic.... I hope they can help you. I agree that they are definitely good points to start building from. Here is an excerpt from Covey's "First Things First" pg 45 about the 4 human needs:

    The need to live is our physical need for such things as food, clothing, shelter, economic well-being, health.

    The need to love is our social need to relate to other people, to belong, to love, to be loved.

    The need to learn is our mental need to develop and to grow.

    And the need to leave a legacy is our spiritual need to have a sense of meaning, purpose, personal congruence, and contribution.

    How powerfully do these needs affect our time and the quality of our lives? You may find it helpful to think about the questions below:

    a) Do you have sustained energy and physical capacity thoughout the day -- or are there things you'd like to do that you can't do because you feel tired, ill, or out of shape?

    b) Are you in a position of financial security?

    c) Do you have rich, satisfying relationships with others?

    d) Are you constantly learning, growing, gaining new perspectives, acquiring new skills -- or do you feel stagnant?

    e) Do you have a clear sense of direction and purpose that inspires and energizes you -- or do you feel vague about what's important to you and unclear about what you really want to do with your life?

    Each of these needs is vitally important. Any one of these needs, unmet, reduces quality of life.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Heaven - thanx so much for the summary. Believe it or not I actually read that book a while ago. Now I will read it without applying it to ministerial activity.......

    Cult Classic

  • AllTimeJeff

    Interesting how this thread has evolved, but I think the discussion of our movies/stories not being over has an over-arching lesson.

    Not everyone will get the 7 Habits concepts. We are all different. What it provides to me and others is a framework from which to rebuild and refocus after leaving JW's.

    I see and speak often of the void thats left, esp for those who were kicked out only to learn of the lies that JW's teach. That is the biggest thing that breaks my heart. I don't think it matters ultimately if you did it Covey's way, or Dale Carnagies way, whatever.

    One of the things that stuck with me that Covey wrote about is having a purpose for our lives. After we leave JW's that is so important to NOT ignore. I realize that some will always try to do what they were never allowed to do, whether that be drugs, sex, alcohol, etc. It isn't my place to judge, except to say that "sowing your oates" can lead to some unalterable consequences, but, maybe thats the road your story will take you.

    To fill that void, to be "spiritual" even if that means not being religious or having a religion, is important.

    The need to take care of yourself, something both JW's and former JW's neglect at times, is encapsulated in Habit 7.

    Again, I can endorse this book as a healthy way to get started if you are leaving. Ultimately, it doesn't matter if someone wants to really get into it or not, I think its good to know that there are many healthy mental and emotional constructs to implement, if we only avail ourselves of them.

    Reading. Gotta love it!

  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead

    I want the end of my movie to be where I'm working my low paying job in the factory and Ray Franz comes in and picks me up and wisks me away like An Officer and A Gentleman. No just kidding. Great Post!




    Good post..

    My life would be an adventure movie,with occasional hair raising action..

    Usually I can do without the action,my life can get very intense..

    There are days I need a frigg`in break from my life..

    Not Dead..Just a Break..

    Dead would end the Movie..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

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