Look at this poor uneducated WT stooge......

by WingCommander 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    I almost feel sorry for this guy. I don't post much about stuff on youtube, but I came across this guy's youtube page and just had to share.


    He has a family, a computer, and works at Wal*Mart. He has some videos up on WT related doctrine, etc.......all of which lack real evidence, and he uses circular logic. Oh, and they all have Kingdom Hall piano music playing in the background which just makes me want to tear my eyeballs out.

    Some of the videos of his family are weird, then again, what JW family is "normal"? I particularily like the one where there is a woman sitting at a table and there is an ashtry and someone is smoking. Whooops! Hope the Elders don't see that video!! Speaking of which, why the hell is this loser even on Youtube? The few with his kids are disturbing, especially where the little boy is dressed up like some mini adult and pretending to be a weatherman. Why? Pioneering is to be the goal, right?

    This is the type of brain-dead morons the WT just luvs to recruit!! Poor, uneducated, isolated dufos people stuck out in the middle of nowhere USA that will just lap up anything. Sad.

    - Wing Commander

  • RN

    I don't mean to sound snobbish, but the quality of people the JW"s attract is just not what it used to be.

    I recall the last few conventions/assemblies that I went to before I left in the late '90's, the children in general were not very well behaved and were often downright rude. I found myself wondering where their parents were, and if you corrected them about pushing or running they looked at you as if you were crazy. My friends and I would have never gotten away with crap like that in the '70's.

    In the early 1990's I remember a sister remarking that many Bible studies were just as much "about teaching people how to live" as they were about teaching about the Bible. I found it to be an interesting observation at the time, and I still find it so but for different reasons.


  • mindmelda

    Well, when you put down higher education, what kind of people do you think you're going to attract?

    I always wonder where they get their lawyers from that are Witnesses, since they don't exactly encourage going to law school?

  • RN


    The Society has actually footed the bill and put brothers through college and law school.

  • Strider Arekksu
    Strider Arekksu

    Don't tell me they are using money donations for this @$#%!

  • out4good3


    they were

  • Mary

    What a pathetic attempt at 'witnessing'. I'm wondering if the duffus who created that video is counting each viewer as a return visit.

  • Adiva

    Aww man. You should have warned me to turn off my speakers. Now I can't get that danged song out of my head.

  • thetrueone

    Stupid is as stupid does and JWS are just that.

    Go into any KH on a Sunday and see if you can spot a person with a University degree,

    you'll have a hard time trust me.


    What a Horrible Video..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

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