History Channel Special on the Last Days

by SouthCentral 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • SouthCentral

    I had surgery this weekend and the History channel had a great special on the Last Days. They actually highlighted the generation teaching and the Millerites. Benny Hinn was on and he stated that 1948 was the key year and the generation lasted 100 years. They of course used all of the typical JW scriptures relating to the generation.

    I don't know if this was posted yet, but the parts I saw were interesting.

  • excito-are

    I think you must of meant 1914 as a key year and not 1948. Unless this is something I have not read about before. The generation teaching teaching from the jw has of course changed so many time since Russell, just to return to what he originally said. I do find it strange that the very teaching Jesus gave on the generation given, is never really looked at by jw, though there is nothing new there. Jesus did say regarding the generation in Matt 24 : 33 that those who see the sign of the last days, would see the end, for example " when YOU see all these things, know that he is near at the doors" Notice he uses the pronoun You and not they for instance. He said YOU meaning those who witness these events see the end of course. If he meant overlapping generations of people, grandchildren, he would of used the word THEY in the context. But in using the pronoun YOU he is specifically referring to those who witness the sign of the last days witnesses his return. A simple understanding of grammer of their NWT of the bible, destroys the notion of overlapping generations as they now teach. Though bible tennis gets rather boring so I usually refrain from talking scripturesd these days.

    From a historical point of view the last days has been promoted for the last 500 years by many religious groups, and the jw are just a another group to promote this teaching that has become laughable if not for the damage it has done.


  • shopaholic

    I enjoy watching those programs on the History Channel. When I first started my fade, I could not get enough of them. Its interesting to hear other perspectives on the last days and how they interpret the bible. Lets you know that the whole religion thing is a farce.

  • cameo-d

    Excito: "I think you must of meant 1914 as a key year and not 1948"

    No, Excito. 1948 is the Protestant belief of the start of the "end times". It is based on a scripture..."when you see the fig leaf put forth a bud" or something like that. "Know that the time is near."

    The protestants have been taught to believe that the "bud" was when physical Israel became a nation again in 1948 and that that marks the beginning of the last days.

    SouthCentral: "Benny Hinn was on and he stated that 1948 was the key year and the generation lasted 100 years."

    So Benny Hinn has made the big time on History channel? That should tell you what slime we are still wallowing in when charlatans are allowed to continue this tripe. That man is such a thief and a fraud. It's time for the con to end. That's what last days are really all about!

    Do you think we should believe anything this man says?


  • badseed

    I'm not as interested as I used to be about end of days programs and such but it is interesting to see how other religious groups view prophesies. I'm with cameo on this one, if there is to be an end time, it's for people like ben hinn. I can't believe people actually give this guy money and take the time to even listen to him, it's so obvious he's a crook and a fake. However, it doesn't mean that he might not have some sort of power to help him do what he does. There are some who have the ability to access energy through the mind that the regular joe can't.

  • SouthCentral

    I have heard bad things about Benny for years. He was just used as a reference. This was my first time hearing about 1948. I caught bits and pieces of the program, but it was interesting.

    I know the WT could never use 1948, but they must think Dubs were crazy for 1914.

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