Haven't been to a meeting in 4 yrs

by Dnice 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    I am currently an 'active' JW......(granted I am conscious)

    I am curious for the sake of clarification and how to determine the best direction to get you to your goals....

    Do you believe the WTS has the 'truth' based on the actual definition of the truth... (see WT quote below)

    *** w81 5/1 p. 17 par. 3 If God Has an Organization, What Is It? ***
    3 Let the honest-hearted person compare the kind of preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom done by the religious systems of Christendom during all the centuries with that done by Jehovah’s Witnesses since the end of World War I in 1918. They are not one and the same kind. That of Jehovah’s Witnesses is really “gospel,” or “good news,” as of God’s heavenly kingdom that was established by the enthronement of his Son Jesus Christ at the end of the Gentile Times in 1914.

    OR..... is the 'truth' they have based on the inspection of 1918 and appointment of 1919?


    Your 'people' issues are the most common reason why publishers become inactive but retain the belief system.

    I understand wanting to 'return' however if you have been gone for 4 years lots has CHANGED! I mean LOTS!

    Here is a 'few' highlights:

    The rise of phrases like 'The faithful and discreet slave and it's representatives the GB'

    Lots of Bethel lay-offs of those who 50+ (they raised the cost of the WTS's medical insurance too much- so off to Special Pioneering assignments for a year until they can find secular work for themselvse - $500-$600 per month plus continued medical coverage...... New recruits to Bethel are being sought of young (men preferrable)

    Spain has shutdown majority of it's Bethel operations and is in the process of selling off assets.......why...... because the Spanish Government decided that the WTS had to pay 'social secrutity' taxes for Bethelites, DOs and COs. The DOs and COs will eventually be re-routed through the German Bethel but until than all 'green handshakes' are to cease and each congregation is to send a suggested amount to the WTS-NY to cover the tax costs.

    WTS is leaving Brooklyn! All is being moved to Wakill (remodeling now!) and Patterson. Two additional properties have been purchased in Ramapo and Warwick NY.

    Many congregations are merging. New building projects have ceased unless they were approved before Sept 2008 as the WTS will no longer collect interest from those KH loans.

    2007- The sealing of the anointed in 1935 ends (they just made a mistake in interpetation for 72 years, well that and Carey Barber (born 1905) was dying when the QFR was written (dead by the time it was studied) and he was the only 'qualifying GB who was professing anointing by 1935, don't get me wrong Jack Barr who was born in 1913 and baptized in 1932 might be able to squeak by but by today standards a young man of 22 professing would seem 'immature'.

    2007- Anointed are just like non-anointed, they don't call 'undue attention' upon themselves or claim any special 'insight' and follow the GB directions without complaint.

    2007- Only WTS publications can be used for study and research individually. Only WTS approved material and websites should be accessed.

    2007- You can now make donations to the worldwide work via internet/credit card..... www.jwgift.org

    2007-present.... The INTERNET is EVIL!

    2007-present ... The WTS continues to associate with UN via smaller groups like Agenda 21 and continues it's NGO status with the paramilitary OSCE

    2008 - 5th 'generation' change in WTS history occurs. Actually it wasn't so much 'new light' as 'recycled' light from 1927...... anywho the change from 1995's 'wicked generation' was flopped back to being 'the anointed'.

    2008- The WT has changed! There are now 2 editions, the public used in field service and the 'study edition' used in meetings. Study editions are only passed out to those attending the meetings originally (as of 2010 the WTS decided to make them available to the public via www.jw.org in both PDF and audio files)

    2008- The 'PO' is now called the 'Coordinator of the Body of Elders' often shortened now to COBOE.

    2009 - The long held 'bookstudy' groups are gone! Separate night for TMS/SM is gone! They have been replaced with a once a week 'super-meeting' held at the KH (cuts down on liability for pedophiles who used the bookstudy arrangement to abuse children but.... officially according to the WTS it was due to high gas prices). The Bookstudy has been renamed 'Congregational Bible Study' (CBS). Reading schedules are no longer given in advance but rather the KM carries the monthly reading schedule. TMS has been altered too.... gone is the 4th talk!

    2009- Memorial partaking goes over 10,000! The memorial statistics are now only published in the Yearbook.

    2009- Follow the slave even if you don't understand (disagree with) their actions. "Apostasy" gives 'Immorality' a run for it's money on reasons for DFing, but alas 'Immorality' wins.....(but by a slim margin)

    2009- July Awake quotes 'Pew Report'....... many google Pew Report and learn that only 37% of born/raised JWs remain in their faith a whopping 63% leave . The Witnesses kick-butt as compared to the Mormons but the Mormons have 70% retention.....WTS committees discern

    2009- In learning the effectiveness of the Mormons to retain membership the WTS adopts LDS's 'Family Home Evening' but re-names it 'Family Worship Night'.

    2010- 6th 'generation' change can be found in April's 15..... it's premise is 'Jesus MEANT' that the two 'generation' those who saw 1914 and the future generation that will see Armageddon will 'overlap' and thus are really the same generation. So the really good news here is that the 'generation' who will see Armageddon might not even be born yet! Further it extends those who like 'dates' to Dec 31, 2154 for the absolute latest that Jehovah will allow this system of things to continue!

    2010- New songbook!

    2010- The GB doesn't appreciate Witnesses recording talks (public, Circuit Assembly, SPAD, DC or Zones) and passing them around via the Internet.

    2011- New Elder manual

    I am sure I am forgetting somethings and I know other posters will 'pick up the slack'!


    The 'study' publication is still "Bible Teach' followed by 2008's release 'God's Love'.

    We are currently studying 2007's 'My Follower' for CBS. The TMS is using the 'Reasoning' book exclusively (which is really odd considering it was written in 1989 and the 'generation' has changed 3 times and 1935 sealing has been lifted)

    Well that is all I can think of 'off the cuff'!

  • Dnice

    No Dnephew is no relation to me. I will be attending the memorial tonight but refuse to shave my neatly trimmed beard. Let's see how it goes

  • primitivegenius

    Nope .................I wave when I drive by though

    me to.............. well......... i wave a single finger in the air......... does that count lol

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