so why dont they cut to the chase at the door???

by oompa 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises


    Ok, I didn’t realise you had replied earlier. Those automatic avatars are annoying because after a while they all look alike, rather than having distinctive or personal avatars.

    Anyway, as far as “rejection” goes, you knew not to take it personally, and as the others have said, finding an interested person was worse because that meant you had to use your brain!! Not to mention it interrupted the conversation you may have been having with your witnessing partner!

    And of course we see why the householders said no to us. They all have their reasons, no matter how perfect our spiel may have been.

  • Quillsky

    I think we should make them tea or iced tea and sit them down, the next time Jehovah's Witnesses call on us.

    These poor, poor people. I feel so sad for them.

  • sacolton

    The real sales pitch should work like this:

    "Hi, we're Bible Students visiting your neighborhood to share our publications. We want to urge you to join our religion of Jehovah's Witnesses because the end is so close and if you and your family don't become baptised members in good standing then Jehovah God is going to kill you, your husband and your three beautiful children at Armageddon. Interested in a free bible study?"

  • Quirky1

    Hello, would you like to join a cult like secret society? We'll gladly fleece you of money, introduce you to our pedophiles and let you maintain our facilities free of charge.

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