Ruining it for everyone else

by RR 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heaven

    I remember my Dad listening to my music LPs (yeah, I'm that old... no CDs when I was a kid). It actually made me feel good that he took the time to listen to what I was listening to because he was worried about me. I specifically remember him listening to ... are you ready?? ....

    my "Dream Of A Child" album by Burton Cummings.

    I asked him what he thought. He said it was pretty good.

    My parents didn't like my brother's Supertramp album "Crime of the Century" because of the song "Bloody Well Right" on it.

  • blondie

    I can put a CD in my computer, plug in earphones and listen to whatever I want. Or one of those portable thingies that are small that clipon with earphones.

  • carla

    Well at least she didn't want to put in the kh melodies cd!

  • crapola

    Yes Outlaw, they say Jesus. You silly dog!

  • WTWizard

    These days, I can tolerate just about anything except Kingdumb sxxx. If they play Christian music, so be it--if the artistic merit is good enough, I can enjoy it without believing in the message. The same for rap and heavy metal--just because they are using drugs doesn't mean it's wise for me to ruin my own brain and my own liver too.

    And just wait until Christmas. One thing I hated most of all while I was a witless was when they started playing Christmas music. It mattered not whether the song was religious or a secular Christmas song. They even made a big fuss about the "winter" songs--those songs that are usually played around Christmas but are more specific toward winter. All because some dumbaxx went beyond the things written and imposed the strictest possible interpretation of everything on me.

  • Bangalore

    So much legalism.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    PRAISE JEEEEEEEEEEZAS......that music would irrated the crap out of me.....I'd put on some Muslim chanting "AAAAALLLAHHHHH."

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Religious music shouldn't be played at work. That should be common sense.

  • dissed

    One elderly JW friend said her parents, Anointed JW's had no problem listening to traditional Christian music on the radio. They thought it was beautiful. My how things have changed with the WT!

    A concerned JW parent to their kids. "Turn that Jesus music off! Don't you know its from Satan the Devil?!"

  • RR
    I don't know if you're familiar with a chain of fast food joints called Chik Fil A? They play gospel music in their independent stores.

    Yes, they are a Christian owned business. In fact, they don't open on Sundays because it's the Lord's day., I have a Dunklin Donuts that plays the Christian Radio station 24/7.

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