Should the Pope resign?

by slimboyfat 49 Replies latest social current

  • PSacramento

    Gladiator, liek I said, in my view even "just" one person was one too many.

    I googled like you said and as of right now, the sites that I have seen don't back any of the numbers with any info what soi ever, but I will keep looking.

  • maputo95

    Papal infallibility only extends to matters of faith and doctrine when he speaks ex-cathedra; it does not extend to his actions in running the church or pursuing enquiries into wrongdoing. The pope is able to resign if his integrity is seen to be less than ethical.

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Hung on a stake like his hero and my namesake, would be more appropriate.


  • Married to the Mob
    Married to the Mob

    Can a pope resign.


    He can do so freely and merely makes his wishes known that he wishes to resign. No one has to accept it, he can just walk away.

    The only caviat on this is the requirement that the college of cardinals make sure that the resignation was not due to external pressure.

    When the current pope was elected, the commentry was that he was old school and old! It was suggested he is not capable of reform and I think this shows.

    Maybe the RCC will now look at how they move forward and the current pope will walk away.

    This si the problem with religion, power corrupts all!

  • wobble

    I think if he stops shitting in the woods, he will be left alone.

    On a serious note, I haven't read the whole thread, but I think this vendetta against The Pope is deflecting attention from the real issues.

    Firstly, there was nothing in place to protect the poor little children.

    ( how far reaching is the Churches policy now, does a priest, or authority figure get the chance to be alone with a child ?)

    Secondly, the Churches arrogant belief that it is above the Law and common ethics, in not reporting, is inexcusable.

    Thirdly it needs to be seen that the motive for this was to keep the myth alive that it was the true church.

    Fourthly, there has been no love or concern shown for the poor victims, no real apology, no real compensation world-wide. Therefore how can we expect these victims to cope ?

    ALL OF THE ABOVE 4 can be levelled at the Jehovah's Witness Organization too.


  • Leolaia
  • blondie

    As much as I hate to say it, the RC is bigger than the pope. Take him out and they will just put in another man who reflects and supports RC policy and doctrine. I said elsewhere on JWN, that you could replace all the men on the GB of the WTS, and not much would change. The entity that is the RC or the WTS is bigger than any man or group of men. Turning the bright light on their deeds so the public can see and hitting them in the pocketbook will bring change due to necessity. But will they return to the dark secrecies of the doubt.

  • freydo

    Maybe he should resign and become President of Planned Parenthood.

  • thetrueone

    long before he became Pope, he failed to respond to letters about a US case.

    Since he's become the Pope that makes him infallible for his actions.

    The churches position when he was a Bishop was to keep these matters within the

    church itself, he was just following along with hierarchy of the time.

    There was a edict created that had the Pope's seal of approval back in the late 60's I believe,

    that made it the church's official policy on sexual improprieties with priests or bishops.

    Unfortunately they just shut upped about the event after giving some remorseful redemption to the priest

    and many times moved him to a different location only to have the guy recommit the offense onto other children.

    Religions are always playing a game of image control , the JWS are just the same in that regard.

  • freydo

    Will the Pope Resign? It Wouldn't Be Easy, And May Not Be Possible

    "Continuing revelations about cases of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy are raising more questions about what Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, did -- or did not do -- about them, both as Archbishop of Munich (1977-1982) and for nearly 24 years as the Vatican's chief guardian of doctrine. That has left many wondering if this is the Catholic Church's version of Watergate -- and if it could end the same way. (Richard Nixon, raised a Quaker, once mused that he'd have made a good pope, and as things worked out for him, you could understand that wish.) As things stand now, and under almost any imaginable scenario, Benedict is not about to resign. Some say he can't. Here are some of the most common questions -- and answers --............Have popes resigned before?...Yes, but not for a long time, and it was never pretty...."

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