"No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel"...

by Chalam 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chalam

    Hi JWNers,

    Some of you might have seen some things spoken of in Acts 2 before, some not.

    Well here's a taste

    Rodney Howard Browne (pastor who started a skeptic)

    Rodney Howard Browne (pastor who started a skeptic)/2

    As I told my JW friend a good while back, nothing has changed since then Hebrews 13:8 Malachi 3:6 Psalm 110:4

    Acts 2:38-39 (New International Version)

    38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call."

    The worst thing was that his JW mother told me such things happen by "another spirit" Matthew 12:31 Mark 3:29 Luke 12:10



  • acolytes

    Hi Chalam

    How can you say nothing has changed since "Hebrews 13.8 ""Malachi3.6 &"" psalm 110-4"

    Language interpretation and understanding have changed and Rodney Howard has come into existence.( With modern tecnology and the You Tube video of him you want us to watch)


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I hope your just kidding.


  • PSacramento

    I don't know anything about Rodney Howard and I can't view those clips...

    But, in regards to the HS.

    The WT NEEDS the HS to be nothing but an impersonal "force", they need the passages from John and Acts to be nothing but "words" because only the FDS can lead people to God and by default the GB.

    IF the HS is indeed what Jesus and Paul said he is- That which leads us to God and nothing else can, then the FDS and the GB are meaninlgess.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Good to see you're back!

  • PSacramento

    Thanks DD :)

    The HS issue is one that I have come to see as quite vital in regards to the WT.

    They always go back and say, "WHo are you gonna learn?, how are you gonna know the truth? who is going to teach you" and the apostles and disciples had the same questions and Jesus answer was the HS, Paul confirms that over and over when he says that "No one can say Jesus is Lord excpet by the HS" and that "all that have the HS are sealed".

  • Chalam

    Hello Acolytes,

    My point is that God does not change and although things are much different to the way they were 2000 years ago when Acts 2 occurred, we should not be surprised to see the Holy Spirit doing similar thing to those recorded there.

    Deputy Dog, Rodney has his critics, indeed the pastor in the video was one. The important thing is to look at the fruit from all these manifestations Galatians 5:19-23 The pastor testifies to the positive changes he notice immediately on returning home.

    Anyhow, more up to date and closer to home are these dudes from Wales. Same Spirit, same God.




  • Chalam

    Deputy Dog, this one is for you-see what you think :)




  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I can't seem to watch that on dial-up.

  • Chalam

    I can't seem to watch that on dial-up.


    Try and catch it when you are next on broadband somewhere. You might change your views on Rodney.



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