I'm sick

by doublelife 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird



  • ziddina

    Poor DoubleLife... I just got over - barely - a very nassty flu... Upper respiratory AND intestinal... NO fun. Was so weak I could barely walk from one room to another...

    My advice? Make garlic tea. Slice up 1/2 clove of garlic into a cup of water, 'nuke' it in your microwave for about a minute, and slowly sip that. Garlic seems to help me, even when I've caught a virus...

    But warn your co-workers that you will smell like garlic for a few days!

    Also, eucalyptus oil. Rubbed on your nose. Helps clear up the sinuses.

    Hope you heal quickly!


  • babygirl30

    AAAWWW! Sorry you don't feel good

  • its_me!

    I feel for you! It's definitely going around. Hopefully it is the one that only lasts for 3 or 4 days. I had that several weeks ago. Very miserable, but not too long.

  • restrangled

    Brew 2 bags of green tea in a cup of boiling water. Add a tablespoon of honey and one table spoon of Whiskey.....you'll sleep like a baby and probably feel much better the next day.


  • poopsiecakes

    you must be getting close to home time!!

    Wrap yourself up in a warm blankie, pop your favorite movie into the DVD and snuggle yourself....

    By the way, since reading your thread I've been sneezing and coughing....the internet is one powerful thing huh??

  • doublelife

    Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I'll try to put them to use. I'll be off work in a little while. Then have to stop by the store to pick up soup and tea. I should get a little extra so that next time I'm sick I don't have to make a trip to the store again.

    poopsiecakes, don't get sick!

  • doublelife

    Oh, and I need to get the kleenix that has the lotion in it too.

  • poopsiecakes

    Thanks dahling, I don't think I'll get sick but I did wake up with a screaming headache and the icky sneezing...blech...

    I do like all of these home remedies though, especially the ones that include whiskey

  • yknot

    If you are not pregnant......(wink)

    Consider two tablespoons of honey 3x day and digesting 3 cloves of garlic per day (I cut them up to pill size and swallow)

    Honey is a natural anti-inflammatory, garlic is a natural antibiotic

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