What was your initial reaction to finding out the religion is a cult?

by make yourself 59 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Snoozy

    When I think of a cult I think of a group that wants total control over it's followers. They do this in such a way as to completely isolate their victims followers by moving them into a commune. That way they can have total control over them. What is amazing about the WTBTS is that they are able to do this while allowing their victims followers to remain in their own homes..

    Snoozy's thought for the day.

  • Snoozy

    I just wanted to add that so many have talked about how the JW's taught about 1975 being "The Year" but in the congregation I went to it was constantly brought out that we should not speculate. It was not saying that the world would end in 1975 or that armageddon was coming that year. It just meant that times were very close. Course that was 35 years ago...Whenever we would get excited over the magazines printing that date the elders would always be sure to add that we should not jump to conclusions..

    Just telling what went on at the KH I attended. I wonder if they are now walking around scratching their heads wondering what happened to the big revelation of 1975 and why it was even mentioned at all. Maybe victimes members were leaving and they needed to do something to draw them back?
    I wonder if membership was declining about that time?


  • agent zero
    agent zero
    Maybe victimes members were leaving and they needed to do something to draw them back?
    I wonder if membership was declining about that time?

    Snoozy - they weren't leaving. they were steadily increasing before 75, there was only a drop the two years AFTER 75, the only in their history:

    Jehovah's witnesses average & peak publishers

    Jehovah's witnesses peak publisher growth

  • moomanchu

    Soooooo, I'm not crazy after all.

    I think? ha

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Shock, disbelief, and anger..


  • littlepixie

    I still don't know if it is a cult or not. I have been studying a year. I was and am still so grateful for all the hours that have been spent teaching me the bible. I suppose I have been made to feel special. I posted on anonther thread that I was horrified on Tuesday when a lady at the meeting shouted across 3 rows, why had I not been out door-knocking. I had been told I wasn't ready. She humiliated me in front of all the others and the hall became silent when they all turned and looked at me for a response. I stuttered a reply then left - devastated - feeling not good enough.

    I don't know what to do. I feel like not answering the door when my study lady comes on Monday, not going to the meeting on Tuesday. Where in the bible does it say you have to knock on doors and fill out a sheet for every door you knock on and put in a set number of hours a week? Where does it say you humiliate and pressure people and make them feel guilty if they have work or family commitments?

    Any help apprec.

  • wannabefree

    littlepixie - I had a Bible study for a little over a year and got baptized ... that was in 1986 ... I finally realized I didn't have a Bible study, I studied a book called "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth". It made so much sense to me and I wanted to live forever on paradise earth ... I still do ... but in reality, I was born and raised Catholic, I didn't know the Bible, the book made sense, of course it did, who would purposely write a book that didn't, we don't study that book anymore, we don't believe some of those teachings anymore, the Bible on the other hand is constant, Jesus is the way and the truth. The truth of Jesus never changes. The truth from the Watchtower does, in fact, the term for it is "current truth" ... seriously. Just make sure of all things, be informed, check out the opposing views before you commit, because it is too late later.

  • RN

    I too, think Oracle summed it up very well.

    In late Sept./early Oct of 1997 after reading Ray's books, I opened the sliding door to let out the dog. As I pushed the door shut I realized that I would never have to knock on another door ever again; and a wave of relief washed over me. That sense of relief was quickly replaced with a feeling of contentment I had never really experienced before, and then it suddenly occurred to me that I felt happy. I will never forget that moment.

    The only thing that really makes me angry now is knowing that if my mother wasn't such a raging Narcissist, the whole Witness experience would have been avoided.


  • Heaven

    My initial reaction was "Hey, that guy who told me it was a cult years ago was right."

    It has verified for me and helped me to understand why a number of issues have been going on in my family. I understand a lot better now and am better informed about what to look for in any organization regarding cult tactics. I am also better prepared to deal with JW family members.

  • Heaven

    Where in the bible does it say you have to knock on doors and fill out a sheet for every door you knock on and put in a set number of hours a week?

    littlepixie.... no where in the Bible does it state you must do this. I was told that my chance at eternal life was based on going door-to-door and I had exactly the same question you had 30 years ago. There is no scripture that specifically states this.

    To use fear and punishment to coerce someone into doing what you want them to do is not principled.

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