Suicide is not the solution!!!!!!

by asilentone 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • dandingus

    I never said it was the solution, and neither did Minimus although our other threads were talking about it. I knew this would be a topic people were passionate about and would have some compelling thoughts on for both sides. I'm personally against it for all but the most hopeless cases of suffering as Lady Lee said on her post on my thread. I completely respect your feelings on the matter, thanks for sharing them with me and all of us.

  • recovering

    It is not a solution; however please understand most people who contemplate suicide do so from a feeling of emotional despair. They do not approach the subject from a logical point of view it is purely an emotional reaction. I know as someone who from time to time suffers from periods of intense emotional turmoil. I know rationally it is a long term solution to a short term problem. When I get this feeling I immediately have to do something to refocus my mind so I do not dwell on these thoughts. I think about my children, my wife and my grandchildren and how they would be affected. I do everything in my power to not dwell on the emotional turmoil that puts me in this state. Am I an emotional mess? Yes I will be the first to admit that.


    How do you know?..

    Have ever your killed yourself?..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • snowbird
    Am I an emotional mess? Yes I will be the first to admit that.

    So am I, but let's just keep on pushin.'

    Peace and blessings to you.


  • sd-7

    That would depend on the problem. Actually, for the person contemplating suicide, it is the solution to all of their problems. To the exclusion of all consequences that would survive them, which, generally speaking, a suicidal person would assume to be at most financial and at least nothing apart from extra work for the coroner.

    Suicide is A solution. However, there are always alternatives, though they may be unpleasant. A path that seems irrational is still an option, after all. It is merely an irrational one.

    Do I think it's the best choice? No. I don't. I think more is to be gained from watching what happens next, even if it's horrible. You're the main character in your story. If you die, the story ends there and you don't get to see all the possible endings that might've come if you'd just waited for them. Don't close the book until you've gotten to the end. Don't end your life until nature or catastrophe ends it for you. Otherwise, you won't really know how it ended.

    I had the chance to end my life in 1998. If I had done it then, over a girl, I wouldn't have met the love of my life and married her. I wouldn't have found out I was in a cult and that I could live a different way. I wouldn't have seen a lot of awesome things that came after that year. And I would've regretted it. Though there are moments I look back on that day and wish I'd done it, they're just moments, nothing more. The moments ahead have far more promise.

  • awildflower

    Here's one of my favorite quotes:

    "The man who in a fit of melancholy, kills himself today, would have wished to live had he waited a week." French Author Voltaire

    It is not a solution; however please understand most people who contemplate suicide do so from a feeling of emotional despair. They do not approach the subject from a logical point of view it is purely an emotional reaction.

    Agreed! In fact if you can still be "logical" you wont kill yourself.

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