Article in NY Post about Brooklyn property sale

by Mickey mouse 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • bnybyt
  • flipper

    MICKEY MOSE- Good article. Thanks for posting ! I always enjoy the comments on the article at the bottom of the page. There were some really good ones describing the deception and callousness of the Jehovah's Witnesses which I hope people will read for sure

  • diamondiiz

    What will they do with the money? Where will it end up? If they can cash out of NY they aren't putting that money into helping congregations of missionaries so where is it going? Are they going to buy more farm land for future use? Investing is not what it use to be and holding it in the bank is even less rewarding. Too bad these articles don't reveal more about wts' ways. Those collection boxes sit around the building but when they aren't being filled as required witnesses hear about it as local needs program stresses that God loves a cheerful giver so.....Don't you want God's love?.... I wonder how they will affect the small towns where they're moving to when they don't pay taxes - sending slaves to clean streets just isn't the same as when they would have to pay taxes to the city.

  • lingno2

    ehem, does anyone have a publication from wts stating the properties that have been sold?

  • Quandry

    They will now appear even more secretive, with "headquarters" somewhere in the woods of N.Y.

  • Gayle

    Here's a list of over $287.6 million here:

    " Devine said the organization is still measuring what to do with roughly 30 buildings and lots"

  • JWoods

    I suppose somebody has asked this more than once in the past - but what on gawd's green earth did the Society ever go on this Brooklyn property buying spree for in the first place? - if NOT to eventually sell out at a profit.

    I remember when they bought the Squibb Pharmeceutical buildings way back in the late 60s or early 70s - these were really just empty surplus space for years. And the buying and building just went on and on long after that.

    My take is that a much less expensive downsized arrangement will be made in upstate N.Y. and that nobody will ever really know where all the money from the Brooklyn properties truly went.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Man, that sounds awfully familiar. I remember the Bagwan Shree Rajneshes in Antilope, Oregon and the Bagwan's 15 Rolls Royce's. Can't spell all that, sorry.

  • JWoods

    IIRC, the Bagwan had way more than 15 Rolls Royces. I believe it was closer to around 100. I remember that there was concern in the classic car markets when they were being put up for sale that it might dent the used RR market for a long time.

    Actually, not much happened as they were almost all really weird colors; pink over lime green, purple and yellow, and such - and were sold sub wholesale.

  • ziddina

    "Actually, not much happened as they were almost all really weird colors; pink over lime green, purple and yellow, and such ..."

    And were probably given new paint jobs by their new owners...

    Can one successfully repaint a Rolls???



    Here's a thread with references to two other threads in my last post - page 4, I think... All about Watchtower money and where it goes/what they might be doing with it...

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