GOD------------the ANTI-Concept!

by Terry 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gopher

    Rewrite the second paragraph in the previous post. It should have said:

    Actually God could exist, but IF SO, IT seems quite unlikely he resembles anything that humans have described in their books that try to explain life's mysteries.

  • dgp

    I agree: there can be things the human mind can't grasp, yet they exist. However, sometimes the human mind doesn't grasp things that don't exist. The fact that you can't grasp something is hardly a proof of its existence.

  • bluecanary

    This is related to one of the first conclusions I came to upon leaving the JWs: If God existed completely alone with nothing and no one around him, he could have no concept of himself. We understand our selves as individuals only through a relationship to other people and things.

  • WTWizard

    If everyone became either atheists or Devil worshipers, God would not have any power. Atheists do not believe He exists, and Devil worshipers disobey God and will not do anything He orders them to. Either way, He loses His power.

    And good riddance--I couldn't think of a better Being to impeach. Even before Osama Obama.

  • bohm

    BTS: Very few atheists will actually go to a long length arguing God cannot exist or something like that, i certainly wont. But I think Terrys observation is spot on about how God is described and thats cool with me (and i suspect Terry as well) when seen in isolation, the probem arise because people who believe God exist usually use that very loosely defined concept to argue some very concrete and silly things.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    I posit that identity is who you are (ie what makes or identifies you as you to others), not what you are.

    God is...


  • Terry


    They claim that they perceive a mode of being superior to your existence on this earth. The mystics of spirit call it “another dimension,” which consists of denying dimensions.

    The mystics of muscle call it “the future,” which consists of denying the present.

    To exist is to possess identity.

    What identity are they able to give to their superior realm? They keep telling you what it is not, but never tell you what it is.

    All their identifications consist of negating: God is that which no human mind can know, they say—and proceed to demand that you consider it knowledge—God is non-man, heaven is non-earth, soul is non-body, virtue is non-profit, A is non-A, perception is non-sensory, knowledge is non-reason.

    Their definitions are not acts of defining, but of wiping out.

    (Ayn Rand)

  • Terry


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