sorry about your cat, would you like to learn how you can live forever?

by rockmehardplace 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Hadn't heard that one, nugget....but I did hear about the guy at the door who kicked a little dog so hard he thought he killed it so he stuck it in his bookbag as the householder was coming to the door. Can't remember if the dog lived or died or what he did with it later...

  • tec

    Back when I had just learned that everyone gets a second chance after being resurrected, I was exuberant! So excited and relieved! In fact, I think this was one of the big 'selling' points for me. This, of course, was before I realized that that resurrection was not for anyone who died in the war of armageddon, which could happen at any time. Funny that the biggest thing that hooked me was also the biggest thing that sent me away.

    But on that particular day, I was so happy and excited about this second chance. I was speaking with my sister, who at the time in her life was experimenting with her sexuality... then without thinking, and with a huge smile on my face, I said to her... "And people like you will get a second chance to live right!" The moment the words were out of my mouth, I was shocked, ashamed, and completely embarrassed. Even though I didn't think my belief was wrong, I still recognized the arrogance and condescension in what I said.

    I apologized later, after pretending not to have said it all.

    "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

    Not just because we all do wrong, I think, but also because we misunderstand and warp the truth time and time again.


  • WuzLovesDubs

    nugget !!!! OH JESUS THATS A HORRIBLE STORY!! omygod!!

    ugh...Id have shot myself. I could never have lived with doing that. True or not thats a horrible story.

    I went to a door with an elderly brother who was bipolar...he kept shoving an Awake article about masturbation in this womans face yelling that she NEEDED THIS INFORMATION! IT WAS LIFE SAVING INFORMATION!! She was closing the door in his face and he was STILL yelling.

  • nugget

    I like to think it is just a story, but every time I do something crass or remember some howler from the ministry I comfort myself with the thought that at least I didn't do that. It's the benchmark for stupidity that I hope never to suppass.

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