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by stillin 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    re: emails

    Try hushmail.com for secure and private email. And definitely be careful. Better to send one at a time than a mass email, even with BCC on, IMO. I just don't completely trust BCC.

  • WTWizard

    I did something even more brazen: I typed in "Ex-Jehovah Witness" in the search engine, looking for apostate sites on purpose.

  • agent zero
    agent zero
    I am very tempted to open a googlemail account and send this site as a link to all the witnesses whose email addresses I have.

    cantleave - me too, totally! if we would do that though, what would we write regarding the link to ensure that they will actually click on it and look at it for more then 5 seconds? and how do we make it that they will open the link if it's coming from a name they don't recognize? won't it just end up in junkmail?

    anyway, let me know if you have a plan and are going to do it. i'll follow suit.

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