Did the Appointed Times of the Nations end in 1914?

by wannabe 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wannabe

    Did the Appointed times of the Nations end in 1914?

    Was it really to be true, that the Christ was crowned King of God's Kingdom, and took up his ruling authority in 1914, then it would be true the appointed times of the Nations did end in 1914. The question, is, though, would he throw satan and his demons down to this earth at that time, then wait 96 years, before exercising that authority? Since satan attacks the seed of the Woman the moment he is thrown down, how many could we expect of the anointed Brothers of Christ to be left alive at this late date? Would it take satan 96 years to kill off every one of them? When this following statement was made in Luke 21:24, was it a reference to eartly Jerusalem? It reads:

    24"and they shall fall by the mouth of the sword, and shall be led captive to all the nations, and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by nations, till the times of nations be fulfilled."{Luke 21:24 YLT}

    At first reading, one would naturally conclude that this is talking about, the earthly City of Jerusalem as it stands today. The question is though, is that a correct conclusion to draw?

    Is the Jerusaslem of today still the "Throne of Jehovah?" can it be called: "The City of Truth?" As Jerusalem of old was called? {Jeremiah 3:17} {Zechariah 8:3}

    Is it not true that Jehovah cast that old City off, because of denial of his Son, and the New Covenant? Isn't that where the entire picture changed? From the old Law, covenant to the New covenant? Bringing now Heavenly New Jerusalem, and Heavenly Mount Zion into the picture? {Hebrews 12:22-24} {Revelation 14:1; 3:12;21:2,10}

    Wouldn't the trampling now being done, be done on Heavenly new Jerusalem, Heavenly Mount Zion? Would they, now, not be the "Throne of Jehovah," the "City of Truth?" In actuality what was now being trampled on by the Nations? That being true, and since the Christ does not hold his authority as King as yet, that trampling has to still be in progress and will not end until the Christ does actually come to take Kingdom Power.

    So, once again the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society is wrong again, because they say it ended in the year 1914, but that trampling is still, right at this very moment in time going on, and will continue to go on until the Christ is crowned King of God's Kingdom. That is the only thing that could bring it to an end! God's Kingdom, by his Christ! satan, the first liar, would have to be chained and abyssed, first. His Religious Woman on the back of the Beast, "Babylon the Great," would have to fall first. The first liar is still to this day 'god of this World.' His false Religious empire is still alive, well, and flourishing, even now. Those two things trample on the City of truth, satan being a liar, his religous Woman the teacher of his lies. The adherents of this satanic organization, encompass and permeate our globe spreading their religous lies. All of that must be removed until the trampling can end with definite finality.

    Now, since it is true, that the Christ has not yet taken his authority as ruling King, that of necessity means the War in heaven has not been fought as yet. satan and his demons have not been thrown down to this earth as yet. The "Woe for the earth," John spoke about has not even begun as yet, which in turn means Matthew 24:7 has not been fulfilled as yet. "Nation against Nation and Kingdom against Kingdom," is still yet future. So, everything the Governing Body teaches about the year 1914 is incorrect. They quite clearly do not know what they are even talking about. Their Spirit Directed Organization, has been sadly misdirected. To the point they actually appear to be very stupid men, those of the Governing Body.

    No! The appointed times of the Nations did not end in the year 1914 -- Only an absolute idiot would believe otherwise! Wannabe

  • cantleave


  • thetrueone

    The WTS. gives evidence in how far the power of the imagination can be extended

    and convoluted to achieve self empowerment.

    It also shows how much bullshit can be marketed to the public and be successful

    in creating a man made kingdom with all the controlling and empowering factions.

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