by Terry 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Below a list is culled from various publications by C.T. Russell who was the mouthpiece of the Lord.

    1.The Second Adventists and Millerite Movement was the fulfillment of bible prophecy.

    2.A Meteor shower on November 13, 1833 was fulfillment of Jesus warning about end times.

    3. 1846 marked the fulfillment of prophecy in having Jesus cleanse the Sanctuary (having arrived invisibly).

    4. 1872 marked the end of six thousand years of human existence from the creation of Adam.

    5.Since 1872 we have been living in the 7th Millennium.

    6.Christ's reign began in A.D. 1873

    7. 1874 marked the beginning of the Times of Restitution.

    8.C.T. Russell is the messenger or "angel" identified in the Laodicean church in Revelation (1874).

    9. The Lord did not come in 1844. The Bridegroom tarried and it was predicted this would happen.

    10. "Beyond a doubt" the Lord appeared in 1874. The physical facts "are indisputable".

    11.1874 marked the beginning of the Battle of Armageddon.

    12.The Great Pyramid of Egypt was placed there to be used as a "witness in stone" and marks the important dates in prophetic history.

    13. Measurements inside the the interior passageway (3416 "pyramid inches") demonstrate 1874 as the date of Christ's return.

    14.(The same!) interior passageway measurements (now changed!) of 3457 pyramid inches demonstrate that the end of 1914 marks the beginning of the "time of trouble".

    15.For forty years Pastor Russell set forth clear and unmistakable evidence of the Master (Jesus) presence on the title page of the Watchtower and "it will never come down!).

    16.1939: the banner comes down. "Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom" goes up instead.

    17. 1878 (spring) the Holy Apostles are resurrected to heavenly life.

    18. The close of the heavenly calling ended in 1881. No further anointed will be selected. The number was sealed.

    19.The close of the heavenly calling ended in 1918.

    20.The close of the heavenly calling ended in 1935.

    21. 1883: "Christian is the only name we need to be called."

    22.God placed the Great Pyramid in Gizeh (1883).

    23.Satan placed the Great Pyramid in Gizeh (1928).


    25. "There is no command in scripture against military service". (Watchtower 8/1/1898)

    26. God favors the Aryan race. (1898 Evol 30-31)

    27. A black man can pray his skin white. (Zion's Watchtower 10/1/1900)

    28. The BOOK OF RUTH is not prophetical.

    29. Quibbling about celebrating Christmas is unneccesary it is a grand event and a tribute of respect to him. (1904)

    30. You can read the CHARACTER of a person by feeling the bumps on their head. 1907

    (Maria Russell requests in court for an increase in her alimony from $40 a month to $100 is denied because all of Pastor Russell's assets have been donated to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.)

    31. Reading Pastor Russell's STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES will bring you into the light faster and better than reading the Bible. (1910)

    32. The "time of trouble) will begin somewhere between 1910 and 1912. (1911)

    33. Operating on people for appendicitis is unnecessary. It is brought on by worm infestation. A dose of medicine called SANTONINE will cure it and typhoid fever. (Zion's Watch Tower 1/15/1912)



    Everything listed so far can be dismissed by latter day Jehovah's Witnesses. And it is! But, it is important not to forget any of it. Why?

    This is the sort speculation and guesswork all sorts of religious people were indulging in all over America in many churches. What makes Pastor Russell any different from them?

    Two things.

    1.He threw his personal fortune into publicizing his claims backed by his followers willingness to donate and participate in spreading these fantasies.

    2.He passed all these speculations and outright bogus representations of prophecy off WRONGLY as the very revelation of Jesus to himself as sole conduit of Truth in the time of the end.

    By current JW standards we have to pronounce him wrong AND (most importantly) a FALSE PROPHET. There is no way around it.

    Russell was willing to go easy on the Millerites and the 2nd Adventists. He was willing to cut them slack and say they fulfilled prophecy even though they taught and believed errors.


    Because these very same people were turning to C.T.RUSSELL to rescue their false beliefs from ridicule. C.T.Russell offered them something that looked like concrete evidence.

    1.The meteor showers, times of trouble, world events, prophecy fulfillments, chronology charts and Great Pyramid measurements really packed a wallop.

    2.If he kept guessing and moving dates around; sooner or later he might hit the jackpot.

    1914 brought World War I.

    That was a large enough event to get everybody's attention and pump life back into the hundreds of little errors the Watchtower had been making over and over. It refreshed hope that Russell might have something divine to offer.

    On another thread I'll proceed from 1914 to continue this list. I want to keep the pre-1914 false teaching separate from the post 1914 false teachings.

    Everyone is invited to copy this list and use it. Also, any additions or corrections are welcomed.

    My easy source for these is Randy Watter's own SPIRITUAL FOOD AT THE PROPER TIME available at his Freeminds website

  • andy5421

    30. You can read the CHARACTER of a person by feeling the bumps on their head. 1907

    that would be Phrenology.


  • andy5421

    33. Operating on people for appendicitis is unnecessary. It is brought on by worm infestation. A dose of medicine called SANTONINE will cure it and typhoid fever. (Zion's Watch Tower 1/15/1912)

    That would be SANTONIN (minus the "E", maybe CTR misspelled it in his publication)


  • wobble

    Time of the End began in 1799. "Thy Kingdom Come" 1914 Edition Page 129

    Jesus returned in 1874. "The Finished Mystery" Page386

    My favourite looney-tunes one:

    The prophecy in Rev14v20 ends up in the Railway Station at Scranton Pennsylvania "The Finished Mystery" Page 230 !!!! (You couldn't make it up, but he did)

    Russell also posited that : All people go to Heaven, and hinted that he was the Faithful and Wise Servant according to his followers, but he was much too modest to claim that title for himself, he said. (Don't have refs. for those.)



  • acolytes

    Hi Terry

    You started a post on "Show me one fact" which I wanted to reply on but I couldnt find the thread.

    So I will try to answer my comment on this topic.

    KNEBWORTH....The Rolling Stones, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Niel Young, Janis Joplin. (False Teachings ? You decide!)

    All teahings are false and can be damaging. (I shared a few beers witth a guitarist of Skynyrd and he was a great guy) Skynyrd have more followers than Russell ever will.(Listern to their lyrics and research the history) I still listern to Lynyrd skynyrd.

    You said "Show me one fact" the fact I would give is everything is a "False Teaching".

    But you find your security in your book shop. I find mine with my 5 year old kid. The Skynyrd guitarist with his music. The dedicated witnesses with the organisation.

    I admire the old Tery for going to prison for others beliefs. I admire and respect you more for being an individual .


  • Terry

    Old Terry was a Putz for not engaging in "Alternate" service instead of prison. At least, working in a Hospital (Terrell) I'd have helped somebody.

    Instead, I put an undo burden on my family.

    Old Terry has 7 kids himself and thinks the greatest time he ever spends is with them.

    The Bookshop where I work is not too comforting, actually. It often depresses me. So many silly and feckless religious books being sold by wankers who somehow just "know" what God says and means. But, I can come away with any book that comes in by checking it out for thirty days without having to spend money on it. That's a pretty good deal.

  • acolytes


    Life doesnt need to be perfect to be wonderful- You paid the price for your FREE (DOOM). What ever the price it was worth it?

    To become an ex-witness for most means going into prison. Maybe the trick is to be more sympathetic to the wankers "Who write books not knowing what God means"

    God is imagery as Money we still cant live without it-


  • Terry


    Life doesnt need to be perfect to be wonderful- You paid the price for your FREE (DOOM). What ever the price it was worth it?

    To become an ex-witness for most means going into prison. Maybe the trick is to be more sympathetic to the wankers "Who write books not knowing what God means"

    God is imagery as Money we still cant live without it-

    You can't pour water into a glass that is already full.

    I see now that I had an emptiness that the Jehovah-Syndrome filled up for me.

    I had a "Father", brothers and sisters, a purpose and got to be on the side of the angels.

    What a pity it was all inside my head.

    What we need we seek.

    What we have we ignore.

    The best part of being an EX-anything is being able to actually SEE it for the first time.

  • acolytes


    You said what a pity as a witness"It was all inside my head" Was it ever all inside your heart? (Even for a moment)

    Does it hurt more a pain from in the "heart" or in the "head "?


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    When I look back I realize I didn't know any of these things about the org before I was baptized I could kick myself for being stupid but I was 36 at the time and I had absolutley no previous knowledge of witnesses except that they existed. I had a deep desire for the meaning of life what witnesses said to me at the door was different and I was intrigued. I thought because of having gone to 12 yrs catholic school that the org changed at a very slow pace I had no idea about new light flashing wildly. Now after a few decades of being misled I think I have learned my lesson still looking for answers but being very careful about what can I really know looking at it all now from the outside looking in it's strange how easy it is to be manipulated. terry yes false teachings again and again and again.

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