Jehovah’s Witnesses address their fellow citizens in RUSSIA

by purplesofa 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • purplesofa

    Link to Tract in english to be distributed in Russia.

    For Immediate Release
    February 25, 2010

    Jehovah’s Witnesses address their fellow citizens

    RUSSIA—On February 26-28, 2010, throughout Russia, from the Chukchi Peninsula in the east to Kaliningrad in the west, a special campaign is taking place. For these three days, tens of thousands of Russian Jehovah’s Witnesses are offering their fellow citizens a tract entitled Could It Happen Again? A Question for the Citizens of Russia . Twelve million tracts will be distributed.

    Why did they decide to address this particular question? The Chairman of the Presiding Committee of the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, Vasily Kalin, said: “Sixty years ago in the Soviet Union, Jehovah’s Witnesses experienced an unprecedented wave of persecution and repression. Lately, a new wave, a systematic campaign of harassment is being carried out against Jehovah’s Witnesses; this time, some want to classify our literature and activity as extremist. Our meetings for worship are raided; worshippers are illegally detained, questioned, and searched. Their personal possessions are confiscated. In view of the seriousness of this situation, we, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, consider it necessary to provide our fellow citizens, not excluding government officials, with accurate information about ourselves, as well as about cases of the religious intolerance that we have encountered.”

    International concern has been expressed over the growing intolerance of religious freedom in Russia even though the Russian Constitution guarantees this fundamental human right. On January 20, 2010, an appeal, signed by more than 40 human rights experts in Russia and throughout Eastern Europe, was sent to the highest Russian authorities, urging an end to the harassment and repression that Jehovah’s Witnesses are subjected to.

    The last page of the tract states: “The tactics of innuendo and slander need not work on you. We hope that you will make the effort to see through such empty talk.”

    The tract can be read online in English and in Russian.

    Media contact information:
    In Russia: Yaroslav Sivulsky, +7 911 087 80 09 +7 911 087 80 09

    In the United States: J.R. Brown 718-560-5600 718-560-5600


    Are they really expecting to be able to distribute twelve million copies of this undetected?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I wish those authorities would attack the extremist teachings of JWs rather than the JW people. Watchtower thrives on persecution of their people, but they hate critical analysis of their actual teachings, practices, and history. I assume that authorities would be afraid to attack the untruths of JWs because it would also undermine the untruths of Russian Orthodoxy.

  • wobble

    I think I could tear apart that snivelling little tract without any parallels being drawn with Russian Orthodoxy.

    It is so full of the usual misdirection and half-truths that you could make mince-meat of it with the knowledge us ex-Dubs have.

    For a small fee, I will compose a reply to its nonsense, if the Russian Government are interested, payment in most forms of currency is acceptable, even tarnished Roubles, I am not proud.

    I doubt the Government gives a flying f**k though, who would read and believe such tripe?

    As our own dear WT Wizard would say, another waste of paper campaign.



  • purplesofa

    Today is the last day of the campaign, I am hoping to get a report on how it went'


  • OnTheWayOut

    While I understand the principles, I just cannot give any concern for a group that demands freedom for the organization and takes away freedoms of it's own members.

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