dan browns the lost symbol , i was told to read it !

by looloo 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nephilim

    I am not a fan of Dan Brown's work. He purposely bends the truth to shape the belief systems of his readers.

    Unless you are reading any of his books with the realization they are TOTAL fiction with a few truths spattered in very rarely I would say avoid.

    Dan Brown even has the nerve to say that most of the content is based on TRUTH. It just simply isn't.

  • beksbks

    I think people who don't like Brown go in with preconceived notions. It's just plain fun fiction. I read Da Vinci before it was all that, and I enjoyed the hell out of it. I happens I had read Holy Blood Holy Grail, which was also fun except it fell flat in the middle. Angels and Demons was even better than Da Vinci. Deception Point was readable. I have not read the Lost Symbol yet, but it's sitting on my nightstand!

    Anyone read John LesCroart, Greg Iles, or Michael Connelly??


    I've watched the movies, but haven't read the books...go for it, though! If you don't like them, that's fine...I've stopped reading a lot of books because they didn't interest me. But don't let the fear stop you from not even starting them.

  • undercover

    I remember when the DaVinci Code was all the rage. I wasn't that interested in it at first, I think, because too many people were taking it too seriously. It says "A Novel" on the cover. Helloooo....fiction.

    But after the hubbub died down, I picked up a copy pretty cheap and read it. It was a page turner, for sure. I enjoyed it. But it wasn't the greatest novel of all time. I didn't, and still don't, get why it generated such a buzz.

    A couple of people told me that Angels and Demons was better. I did enjoy it better than The DaVinci Code. I decided after reading A&D that Brown's not a bad writer but he has gotten a lot of accolades that, IMHO, are not deserved.

    I'll read The Lost Symbol at some point when I can pick up a used paperback copy pretty cheap.

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