i knew a sister who would have made a wonderfull mum and wife

by looloo 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    With advice like this, can you be surprised? It is the most zealous and well meaning ones that have fallen for it -

    WT 82 6/15 p10 "Singleness Its Advantages and Opportunities"

    "A 21-YEAR-OLD schoolteacher was asked by an older girl friend: “Do you not want to get married?” This young teacher, who appreciated the advantages of her singleness, replied: “I guess I have never seriously thought about it.” ........................................

    The former schoolteacher mentioned in the opening paragraph of this article is now 83 years old and still single. She has spent 57 years in full-time Kingdom service, including 56 years at the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses. How does she feel about her life? “I am fully satisfied with my life and my work. I am busier now than ever before in a work that I dearly love,” said this vibrant Christian woman. “I have no regrets. I would make the same decision again.” Yes, you, too, if you are single, can have such satisfaction by making a success of singleness—reaping to the full its advantages and opportunities"

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