From The C.O.'s Lips

by Mister Biggs 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    A talk about love from Thurday, January 3rd. A portion of his talk (which I taped) regarding the 1st century congregation, verbatim:
    "...There would be needs to be met, physical needs. There would be needs to be accomodated: food, clothing, shelter...Why, you can just imagine all that was needed. And of course, there would be cost involved in providing for them. How did all this come to be?

    "How were these people who were so concerned with pure worship accomodated in this regard? Well, interestingly, Acts chapter 4 provides the answer. It's an evidence of love in action, generously, graciously so. Notice in verse number 34 the report says, 'In fact, there was not one in need among them. For all those who were possessor's of fields or houses would sell them and bring the value of the things sold and they would deposit them at the feet of the apostles. In turn, distribution would be made to each one just as he would have the need...'

    "Now we've got the picture in mind, don't we? There were those who had physical needs and they would have to be accomodated in a loving fashion. Well, what do our brother's and sister's do who were there? Well, if they had houses, fields, possessions, properties, they disposed of them and turned into liquid assets, cash!

    (This is where the interesting part begins):

    "Now, interestingly, this is a profound evidence of love, isn't it? Have you ever thought about it this way: What if somebody had a piece of land and they had in mind that they'd hold it for some investment purpose? Or, what if they had some sort of a rental property that they were kind of looking to use that for income purposes? They decided differently, didn't they? They would take care of those other things perhaps later. Right now, they could see these who had needs to be accomodated. What would move them to dispose of property like that rather than to say, 'Er, well, I...I may not get fair market value now. The Market's down! I might not be able to get enough. I might lose! I might not get all out of this I put in it!' They weren't concerned about those things. See, that's the physically minded, the physically dominated person. They lovingly set all that aside. And what they said was, 'Here, I have an opportunity to be helpful. And I care. I love. And therefore I'm not worried about how this balances out on some ledger-sheet! I'm interested in doing what I can do to help my brother's. And, so, what did they do? They sold the houses, they sold the land, the possessions. They got rid of it because they wanted to be helpful to their brother's. Wasn't that a profound evidence of love? Do you think that was in harmony with the command 'love one another just as I have loved you'? Oh, yes! What a beautiful example of that!

    "A little sidebar here that's really interesting, too. Evidently, right from the beginning, they recognized God's Organization and recognized the Organization's administration. Why do we say that? Did you notice? Where was it that they deposited the money they got from the sale of their possessions? Did you notice that? Yes, it was at the feet of the apostles. So, in reality, they had full confidence, full trust in the direction Jehovah was providing for His people through these visible representatives, in the reality those who would become the Governing Body. What a nice illustration of love of God and love of neighbor! It wasn't something brother's just talked about, was it? It was something they did. Their love was active. They responded lovingly. What a wonderful example to encourage God's people today, that our love be our way of life as we demonstrate it toward one another and our God as well as our fellow humans here on earth together."

    I guess all JW's should think about selling their beachfront vacation properties and sending the proceeds to the WTBTS. Or, sell one of your two cars. Or, cash in that Time Share! Or...fill in the blank!

    So many stupid people, so few comets! :o)

  • bluesapphire

    The Jackass CO forgot to mention that the apostles set up charities --yeah, they actually FED people REAL food when they were hungry!


  • Flip
    …I'm interested in doing what I can do to help my brother's. And, so, what did they do? They sold the houses, they sold the land, the posessions. They got rid of it because they wanted to be helpful to their brother's…

    Perhaps the CO was speaking about the WTBTS corporation liquidating their assets in the effort " be helpful to their brother's."

    So as not to appear presumptuously thinking otherwise, you might respond by saying, "Hey, thanks! But I've got plenty. Cut a check to the Red Cross Afghan relief effort for my piece of the pie and we'll call it even."



    Wow this is really cool!Does that mean WBTS is willing to liquidate their 951 million dollars(Thats just the money their willing to claim!) to help their own people..LOL..HYPOCRATES!!.I wonder what the yearly bank interest is worth on 951 million dollars?...OUTLAW

  • Preston

    A little side point, not entirely related to the discussion, but please bear with me.

    So, in reality, they had full confidence, full trust in the direction Jehovah was providing for His people through these visible representatives, in the reality those who would become the Governing Body.
    Notice how they say that the apostles would "become the governing body". They're not supporting Apostolic Succession, are they?
  • Frenchy

    Hmmm. Maybe this is the same C.O. I talked to a while back when he cautiously mentioned that my hours were low. I told him that I worked a lot and then he asked me if it was that hard to make a living in my area. I told him yes, it was, and furthermore I was accumlating some rental properties and working on that so that I would have some sort of retirement inasmuch as I had been told all these years that this would be totally unnecessary and that at present I had no retirement fund.

    I suppose this means that I should sell off what I do have and send it to Brooklyn. But like Blue mentioned...I don't know of any families that the Society has sent money to. They collect for a disaster fund but when a disaster strikes they do like the Red Cross and start begging for money as if all the contributions that have been going in don't exist. And like the Red Cross they are very stingy with what they give out and worse still the help they offer is mainly the time of brothers and sisters who volunteer to go and re-build or repair people's houses and kingdom halls.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Things the WTBTS uses their money for (I assume): Disaster relief for KH's that get damaged by a natural disaster, literature, food and expenses for Bethelites.

    Things that the WTBTS doesn't use their money for: CO & DO expenses, building Kingdom Halls (in the U.S. anyway), PEOPLE who receive damage because of a natural disaster. Case in point, our area got flooded recently. One family lost just about everything. The elders asked the congregation to chip in (cash, items, shelter, etc.). The Society, to my knowledge, didn't cut a check to that family. The congregation was more than willing, of course. But what about the WTBTS? We're always asked to donate, but where's the aid to us as individuals if we lose a job or a home or a loved one? Why does the Society give interest bearing loans to congregations to build new Kingdom Halls but then ask us to give them interest-FREE loans when they want to build an Assembly Hall?
    "You received freely. Give freely."

  • sweetone2377

    Interesting. As a JW I would've thought that I should give up everything to the WTS for the Kingdom work. Hmmm... what do I think now after reading this? It's bullshit. They are just like every other money grubbing religious organization and it makes me proud to no longer be a part of it.

    Former victim and recovering wonderfully from a broken spirit
    Smile, because we all have been freed from slavery!!

  • badwillie

    Hey Mr Biggs -
    do you know me by any chance?


  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    You posted your situation about being reproved over the UN thing. What area are you from? Why would you think you know me? Just curious. I have not provided a name, a location, an age, a sex (okay...the "Mister" part gives that away!), a congregation, or anything. If you think you know who I am based on what little information I have provided, then you may very well be a prophet yourself.

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