New WT Article on "grieving" Jah's HS

by daniel-p 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I can't believe they didn't mention masturbation.

    F'n a-holes.....when are they going to quit trying to guilt everyone else and admit that they are the one's grieving God's spirit.

    Think About It

  • booby
  • Slayerbard

    Questionable music?? so I'm guessing there talking about the new song book, right???

  • asilentone

    interesting, I am looking forward to Blondie's review of that article when the time comes.

  • agonus

    "How did I know before reading any of this thread that the WT article would mention Matt 24:45 and the FDS?"

    Ummm... how about because ALL WT ARTICLES mention good ol' Faithy Discreety at least once?

    How 'bout Jesus? Any mention of Him in this one?

  • booby

    slayerbard said a good one. Ya!

  • Scully

    First we have an example of King David "grieving" God's Spirit by commiting adultery

    If I remember correctly, Sinning Against The Holy Spirit™ is considered in the JW belief system to be The Unforgivable Sin™. So, now there's the Almost Unforgivable Sin, aka Grieving The Holy Spirit™.

    How is it possible, for someone who danced so close to the line of permanent unforgivableness, to be blessed with being the ancestor of the Messiah?

    And what does that have to do with 21st century music? Was King David's music - the product of someone who Grieved The Holy Spirit™ - in the same category? Or was it (allegedly those credited to him) worthy of being saved for posterity in the collection known as the book of Psalms (aka Songs of Praise)?

  • passwordprotected

    Do R&F JWs have the Holy Spirit in the first place? I thought only the "faithful and discreet slave" have the Holy Spirit? Romans 8:23 says that those who are guided by God's Spirit are his sons. But I thought only the 144,000 were God's sons, not the R&F.

    So I take it the WT article is directly solely to the anointed remnant of the "slave" still on earth, and they're mostly old dudes, right? Hence the questionable music must be an album of Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby Christmas songs.

    Seriously, though, isn't greiving the Holy Spirit the unforgiveable sin? So, now the GB are using "questionable music" to fatally crush with guilt the kids in their organisation? They really do shoot their young.

  • WTWizard

    Why do they get involved in exposing someone for listening to bad songs, while they do all they can to downplay it when a report of a witless killing and eating a baby surfaced last July? Could it be because the whole organization "kills" (by stifling their creativity and creating endless, unbearable stagnation) and "eats" (by taking all their money and resources for themselves) every baby that is born in the cancer?

    I would say that having someone killed to hide an offense (which could have been settled without too much trouble, had he been upfront about it in the first place) is substantially more serious than listening to bad songs. And, I think they have better things to do than bust people for listening to bad songs--like cleaning the pedophiles out of the congregation, and finding out why their members would kill and eat babies or beat their children to death.

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