How old does a quote have to be before they can throw it out?

by mkr32208 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mkr32208

    I was talking with a witness the other day (mistake number 1) and I brought up a quote from the 80's. The friggin 1980's and he said "that was old light we don't believe that anymore..."

    Ok this wasn't the 1880's it was the 1980's. I mean at what point can they start throwing out these quotes? I mean obviously anytime it gets them in a jam it's got to be ignored for some reason but to throw out quotes based on age from the 80's seems a bit much!

    Oh and another argument I meant to ask about have you had anyone try THIS little gem on you. Pop them with a quote from early 80's late 70's and they say "thats when that apostate Ray Fraz was in bethel I'll bet he put that in there..." lol you can't MAKE this shit up!

    (my MOM said the second one to me once)

  • blondie

    If they don't believe that any more there should be at least one statement in the newer publications to that effect. Also, check the newer publications carefully, you probably will find that "old light" restated.

  • JWoods
    If they don't believe that any more there should be at least one statement in the newer publications to that effect. Also, check the newer publications carefully, you probably will find that "old light" restated.

    Another favorite tactic is to just quit saying the "old light" without really retracting it. Isn't this what they did on the "thinking heart" and the "seven thousand year creative days"? The old idea just sort of evaporates away in the literature without a real retraction or a new idea ever being clearly stated to replace the old.

  • teel

    From my heuristic experience I would say anything older than 5 years is looked at with suspicion, and the longer it's been published, the more sure they are it's old light.

    I was going to insert a pun here, that the Bible was published almost 2000 years ago, it would be time for the GB to revise it and publish a new light on that, but I realized they actually did that already! It's called New World Translation.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    It's not old light until they update it with new info.

    If they taught something 20 years ago, and don't say another word about it, then that is what they are teaching.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    aSphereisnotaCircle is correct.

    All light is current until replaced by newer light. If it hasn't been replaced then it's still current light.

    So the standard answer to a "that's old light" statement from a Dub is to ask for a quotation from a newer book or mag with the new light in it. If they can't provide one then you can call BS on them.

    Which reminds me. Is there a thread anywhere in here that lists absurd beliefs that have never been discarded (in other words, still current light)?

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Is there a thread anywhere in here that lists absurd beliefs that have never been discarded (in other words, still current light)?

    Ithink that would be a great thread to start Madsweeny!

  • sacolton

    What's the latest belief if the people for Sodom and Gomorrah will be resurrected. It's been off and on for decades.

  • yknot

    Old quotes are good until they are reversed ..... usually in the QFR

    Paul (JWFacts) recently posted a quote from 1924 regarding women bobbing their hair....... it was a real Clatyon zinger too! I checked the CD and it has yet to be reversed so it is still official 'current light' or 'present truth'.....

    "The bobbed hair craze is sure to lead to baldness, sooner or later. The reason for this is that human hair is like a tube sealed at the free end. When the hair is cut, the oils which are the life of the hair become dissipated. The reason why men grow bald so quickly is that they have their hair cut so frequently and, in addition, wear tightly fitting hats, which cut off the circulation of the scalp. The reason why women, hitherto, have had such beautiful hair is that they have not cut it; and the twisting and folding of the hair has helped to retain the natural oil." Many women have turned against the fashion of bobbing the hair, and are letting their hair grow again. Golden Age 1924 November 19 p.100

  • belbab

    When I went to Gilead in 1959-60, Nathan Homer Knorr told the class in a talk, not to keep any magazines that were older than eight years. In that case today any literature before 2002 is old light.


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