Newly Exiting JW's - WT Society's Motive was to Instill Fear & Doubt in You

by flipper 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    I have seen this more and more the longer I've been out of the witnesses ( over 6 years ) . One of the main objectives of the WT society was to make us have a fear of leaving the witnesses and doubt ourselves so much due to being told we were imperfect and sinful. So then that produced guilt. And that guilt and fear kept many of us from exiting the witnesses for YEARS !

    In Steve Hassan's book " Releasing the Bonds- Empowering People to Think for Themselves " he mentions some fears and paranoia's or " phobias instilled into cult members. See if some of these are recognizable to you. He states on pg. 241, " Cults do try to keep family members still in the cult away from ex-members. Programmed phobias can be so strong that cult members cannot imagine themselves happy, safe, and fulfilled outside of the group. They can generate only negative images of life outside the cult. When they think of leaving the group , they imagine themselves being destroyed, along with all other nonbelievers, by the fiery judgement of Armageddon. " Sounds like the witnesses, huh ?

    Hassan continues, " Cult leaders like to tell members about floods, earthquakes, fires, famines, plagues, and wars, and use them as proof that the " Last Days " have arrived. They love to proclaim the destruction of the non-believers of the world. " He continues, " A cult members fear is then generalized to include anything which is designated as a threat to the cult identity : Any thoughts, feelings, or information critical of the cult leader, doctrine, or organization. Former members or critics of the group. Doubts or thoughts about leaving the group. "

    He states, " Once these phobias are in place, the cult member becomes a dependent personality, filled with a sense of helplessness and hopelessness about escaping the group. Cult leaders WANT their members to be filled with such FEAR and SELF-DOUBT. They want to cultivate LOW SELF-ESTEEM and manipulate members to work harder for praise and promotion. "

    So that's it in a nutshell. The WT society always admonished it's members to WORK HARDER, REACH OUT, ADVANCE . All these expressions indicated that no matter HOW HARD a member tried- he or she could never do enough. Thus the groundwork is laid instilling self doubt and guilt into JW members. Then the FEAR comes along when you think you aren't doing enough - they throw Armageddon in your face. Pretty manipulative , you think ? So any newbies or all others I'm interested in how you view this information from Hassan's book. As always, look forward to your takes. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • worldtraveller

    Even at a young age, I could never understand why God invented hell with the fire and the brimstone and eternal burning, 'till I realized that it was all a bunch of bs invented by preachers to control the flock.

    With that, they control your pursestrings.

    People have often asked me my opinion. Basically I believe that there could be a heaven, although even that is a stretch, but hell is manmade for sure. A control hoax.

    BTW, Flipper. Most churches pass a collection plate, or have envelopes or drop off boxes for donations. How does the local society collect? How much does the average Witness dole out if any? Bill.

  • villabolo

    Flipper, when I was informed by the elders of my Judicial Committee that I was going to be disfellowshipped (they made the decision in absentia and came to my home to ask for repentance), one of the elders cautioned me saying that disfellowshipped persons tended to go mad and commit suicide. I just sat still and expressionless in sullen defiance. Not one bit intimidated though.

    The fear that he was playing on was the "There's no life outside the organization" meme that they instill in you.

    Worldtraveler, Jehovah's Witnesses have a collection box set up in the Kingdom Hall. They also need far less money to support themselves compared to other churches because they have three sometimes four congregations share one hall.


  • flipper

    WORLD TRAVELLER- Exactly. If they can control what you fear- then religions can control a person's pursestrings, true. In answer to your question when I used to go to the meetings ( over 6 years ago ) they had contribution boxes in the back of kingdom halls which people would drop donations into. Also they have situations where the WT society encourages JW members to donate estates, wills, inheritances, life savings, jewelry, automobiles, and life insurance policies to the WT society.

    I believe far more money is collected THAT way than is donated by poorer members in local congregations. The WT society bleeds every dime they can out of these people


    Most churches pass a collection plate,

    Collection Plates are too dam small for the WBT$..

    They have Huge Contribution Box`s at the back of Kingdom Halls..

    You could bury a small pony in one of those Contribution Box`s..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • villabolo

    Flipper, my apologies. I didn't realize this thread was for newly exiting JWs. It's been a while since I exited.


  • RosePetal

    hi flipper this is RosePetals hubby here. I will be introducing myself to everybody in the next week I would like to be known as Mr.Bumble. I do apologize if anyone else has that name if so I will change it. I read your comment and it struck a note with me it seems to me that most of us fall into that catagory as described when we are in the org. it is first of all total submission to the org. second generalised aggression to all enemies of that org. thirdly blind adherence to its doctrine andits policies and many become absolutes, bullies, dogmatists and zealots. They are uncritical of all they stand for but secretly hold inconsistant contradictory ideas. They seem to be open to criticism but by their actions hold to double standards and to self-righteousness are lacking humility and are not self critical. This is only a generalised trait but most of us at one time in the org. fell into some of those catagories. To be fair I am sure general society will agree that these traits are found in most of us at one time or another and are not unique to religious cults. I will be introducing myself properly in due course and look forward to sharing my experiences with all you good people.

    Kind regards Mr.Bumble

  • Heaven

    I have heard this phrase a few times in my life .... "Fear is a Great Motivator." It sure was for me. But not the way the WTS wanted it to be. In my mind, if anyone tries to use fear to control me, I react in the opposite way expected.

    As a teenager, when I was told that I would die at Armageddon or risked not being resurrected if I died before Armageddon by not going out in service I accepted this consequence. I was 100% OK with not surviving Armageddon and not living on Paradise Earth. My Mom was speechless. My reaction took away the control. She was ill prepared to deal with this.

    And... Welcome to JWN Mr. Bumble! Glad to have you and your Mrs. along.

  • Quirky1

    I'm gona have to get that book.

  • designs

    Fear of Armageddon and Demons was to us what Evangelicals now instill in their new recruits. Religions breed cultural addicts

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