Should Tiger Woods apologize publicly to the woman he had an affair with?

by journey-on 33 Replies latest social relationships

  • jacquicortez

    No! I don't care about his affairs or anything else...the only people he should give an apolgy to is his family maybe close friends.

  • Quillsky

    He has the cheater gene. There are two kinds of men in this world, those who cheat and those who don't. Sorry Elin, but he will always cheat. (And this is not a feline pun. I really believe this.)

  • treadnh2o

    The first rule of cheating is to cheat with someone who has equally as much to lose as you. ie. married guy=married woman.

    When you break the rule this is what could happen. Now he is dealing with some psycho ex lovers who have no reason to keep their mouths shut.

    And to answer the question; no he does not need to apologize unless he told them he was not married.

  • Twitch

    Sorry, but who cares?


  • Gregor

    The more one (involuntarily) sees of this young fellows taste in women the more pathetic it is that with such a lovely, intelligent wife and family he was hooked on tramp types. Water balloon breasts, porn connections, and vapid personalities. No real people to challenge his intellect (such as it is), just meat. For he and his family's sake I hope he has gotten it out of his system and decided to grow up.

    ExJW's can go through similar learning curves when adjusting to a life not controlled by the cult. If they are lucky they can survive that too.

  • Mary

    Gloria Allred should be the one to apologize to all mankind, simply because she exists. I've never seen such a whining bitch in all my life as her.

    Tiger Woods doesn't owe anyone except his wife and kids and apology. These women were probably all in it to see how much cha-ching this would be worth down the road, because if they truly cared about Tiger, they would have kept their traps shut.

    How much you wanna bet that one or more of them will end up on some crappy "reality" show?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Gloria Allerd should take her monthly shower, turn off the TV, tell her pimp that she is taking the night off, and chill. What a waste of DNA.

  • zagor

    hahaha, that was brilliant donny.

    He is feeling embarassed and weak at the moment and of course there will be those that will try to use the opportunity to crush him even more. He'll do best not to comment on anything, after all people are intelligent enough to see what is going on for themselves. And I agree with jacquicortez, the only people who need to hear apology are his family in privacy of their own home. Somehow I don't think they feel good about themselves that the head of their family is being dragged through mud, if they do they are not family at all and therefore don't need to be apologized to. But somehow I don't think they do. All those people who are throwing rocks at Tiger are probably full of their own shit but hey its easier to see shit on someone else than on themselves.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    The latest on the Tiger Scandal:

    Tiger Woods Announces Return To Sex

    No Apologies

  • Berean

    She knew he was married! She should appoligize to Tigers wife and then shut up!

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