thinking - what attracts people to the JW cult

by Married to the Mob 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    There are accumulating factors in how the WTS presents itself to the public.

    The fronting information is of course a new and better world is about to come shortly,

    where mankind will live in a Paradise here on earth......etc....etc.

    The other part too is of course that wicked people who don't follow to what God expects and wants will be destroyed

    prior to this wonderful Paradise to come.

    The bible comes out and is used as a source of this information which brings a sense of validity to all what is said.

    There are probably numerous needs that comes about in peoples minds when they confronted with JWS at their door,

    some have personal problems that are inwardly known that JWS and the WTS. may present an answer to.

    When a person is just studying the individual produces all kinds of attention at the Kingdom Hall,

    the providable love bombing begins which brings a sense comfort and support and

    the person starts to feel a sense of contentment and solace, a continuation of these feelings

    is set in motion, which to the individual merits further investigation.

  • flipper

    MARRIED TO THE MOB- Good thread ! Lots of good points made by people so far. In mind control cults ( such as Jehovah's Witnesses ) the object of the leaders of such cults is to take away independent, critical thinking ability and make a person totally dependent on the cults views of life and what actions a person should take in their life. In Steve Hassan's books on cult mind control he also explains that cults tend to try making people feel special by giving people new identities and replacing former alleged " worldly " friends with NEW " friends " who subscribe only to the cults views. Thus people start calling each other brother and sister - making these new cult associations more important than their real, authentic family ! It is very insidious and tricky how mind control cults work. If you get a chance read Steve Hassan's " Combatting Cult Mind control" & " Releasing the Bonds- Empowering People to Think for Themselves " . Fascinating reads

  • dgp

    The WTS appeals to some people because witnesses seem to have better morals and lead cleaner lives. You see, here they come, this hard-working, clean, well-attired and highly moral individuals. Some other people are attracted to the WTS because they fall for a witness. And one important reason why some people are attracted to the WTS is that in the outside world we don't know much about what really goes on once you're in. I believe that most of the people out wouldn't really know why they should care about whether Jerusalem really fell on 607 B.C, but most of us simple wouldn't want to join if we knew that witnesses see us as inferior beings, and that we are supposed to leave family and friends behind if we join.

  • Heaven

    It all started in my family when my Mom's Dad became disgusted with the Catholic preists and nuns. As related to me by my Mother, he often saw the preists rowing over to Nun's Island at night (in Montreal). And then they dug up a whole bunch of tiny coffins when they were putting in the Montreal subway. Turns out they were the aborted babies from the nuns. My grandfather no longer wished to be a Catholic. I've also been told by a co-worker of mine that in around the 1940s and 1950s a lot of Catholics left to become Witnesess. I don't know if that is true or not but that's what I've been told.

    My Father joined because he was facing a depressing and unfulfilling retirement with a wife he didn't get along with. My Father isn't a planner and he had no plans for retirement. The Witnesses provided him with his outlet.

    Luckily for me and my siblings, we could see the fallacies. Fortunately, we did/still do have plans for life.

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