Does the JW Cult Rob People of Their Humanity!

by LittleSister 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Yes, the JW religion does rob people of their humanity. That trait of the religion also falls under the category of lack of love, which was one of the things that finally made me conclude that God cannot be directing this organization. It probably does have to do with the idea that everyone outside a JW member in good standing will soon be destroyed and that Jehovah will fix everything in the new system. Still, they even have a discernable lack of love and compassion for their own members.'s the wait of Jehovah and until then work hard for the WTS mentality.

    Think About It

  • LongHairGal

    I would have to say honestly that, Yes, it does rob people of their humanity but sadly a person doesn't know this when they first get involved. In fact, they are made to feel the opposite. Only in time does the real truth come out. I do not think this is an exaggeration but an accurate depiction of this religion. The whole thing is designed to make you into a martyr who has no feelings for yourself or anybody else. If you analyze it, it considers everybody to be expendable. The friendships are shallow, conditional and tenuous. There is nothing behind those smiling faces.

    I was made to feel like I was some nut fighting a private war in the hills somewhere, cut off from everybody who I ever cared about. It is a relief to be out of this vacuum of a religion.

  • nugget

    I think if people knew the depth of control at the beginning they would never sign up for it. If you knew at the beginning that you would shun family and friends because they chose not to attend your religious meeting, that you would reject family in need because of a rigid moral code and that you were not allowed to question any of it then no one in their right mind would chose this religon.

    The religon replaces family with God and then pushes god to one side and replaces God with the organisation. It is so subtle you don't even see it happening. Everyone around you reinforces the message and the conditioning is so strong it is hard to break free.

    Now we are breaking free we have started reaching out to Df'd friends, it is then that you appreciate the strength of family and friends. Unfortunately you have to get out to find it again.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    The whole thing is designed to make you into a martyr who has no feelings for yourself or anybody else. If you analyze it, it considers everybody to be expendable. The friendships are shallow, conditional and tenuous. There is nothing behind those smiling faces.

    Sadly.....the JW's are organized very much like an ant colony. The purpose is to work hard for the queen "mother" ant and produce more workers. Very efficient, but also very inhumane.

    Think About It

  • awildflower

    It also robs them of their natural inclination to care for their children. Where else but a cult can you get mother to turn her back on her own children who are begging for her attention? I've seen it first hand (as you all have to). It's devastating. And the mother will "die a martyr" for this cult, because damned it she'll go back to her children. Just sick.........

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    over the years it slowly happens. one day you realize you've been manipulated into a cold viewpoint. one time an elder called and wanted us to take his parents to the meeting because he had to leave town his sister had been in a serious accident I expressed concern and his reply was oh she's not a witness. I thought thats cold another time a woman at the hall told me her sick institutionaized son had died I again expressed concern and her reply was at least now he'll get a resurrection I thought again that's crazy! over time you realize their trying to make you a hater of humaity.

  • LittleSister

    Thank you all for your congratulations on the birth of my son and for your thoughts on this subject.

    I would not be surprised if some of the dubs were making comments on how sad it is that your baby will not survive armagedon, and how they pity your child. Some of the really wacky ones are probably blaming your baby's health conditions on your lack of spirituality. Divine punishment.

    TardNFeatheredJW - I am sure you are right about Dubs in my old congregation gossiping about us and even saying our sons problems are linked to our turning our back on the Borg.

    The saddest thing was when my mother (still a JW) apologised to me saying our son’s health problems were her fault because she hadn't prayed for him enough. I told her it wasn't anyone fault bad things happen in life, but it’s how we face them and what we learn from them that counts. Sadly she now feels the need to do more as a JW just when I thought I had managed to get her away from the brainwashing.

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