Comments on the Letter to BOE regarding inactive ones - LIES

by lepermessiah 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • oppostate

    Of course this is a big lie. 
    But the fact that they sent a letter giving this advice means they may 
    not be legally responsible for some DF'ing decision made 
    by some BOE in Podunk Congregation some place.
    Would someone who was inactive and had doubts, 
    voiced them, would they be extended repentance? 
    You betcha they wouldn't.
    If you are inactive and want to come back to the Borganization, 
    ask forgiveness for any wrongdoing from God, not from some group of men.
  • BluesBrother
    As you can appreciate, good judgment is needed when handling these matters.

    And how much of that is there?

    Ii can think of a couple of occasions in the old days when 1) a couple turned up at the K Hall. He was a baptized but non active for years ex Witness and she was a newly interested person. They lived together. They were welcomed back and he has been an elder for some years now....and 2) I met a guy in the ministry that I had known some years back as a "brother" he wanted to study again and later confided to an "act of immorality" while he was out. We told him that it was past and he was welcomed back into the fold.

    Would such common sense and a spirit of "joy over finding a lost sheep" prevail today, I wonder?

  • straightshooter

    This also shows the inconsistancy in the borg. One cong will hunt for individiuals to df like a witch hunt, in another cong they don't care what one did when away from the cong.

  • Scully

    What if a person's Inactivity™ has nothing to do with Wrongdoing™ and was undertaken as a boycott in response to their affiliation with the United Nations (the so-called Unclean Thing) as a Non-Governmental Organization under the pretense of "using their library", when an ordinary rank-and-file JW would be Disfellowshipped™ for joining the YMCA so they could go for a swim in the pool?

    What if a person's Inactivity™ is in Conscientious Objection™ to the WTS's accepting profits from a trust fund containing shares in a tobacco company or arms manufacturing, things which an ordinary rank-and-file JW would be Disfellowshipped™ for doing?

    What if a person's Inactivity™ is an act of personal integrity and moral outrage against the WTS's hypocrisy in calling out the Catholic Church over its scandal with pedophile priests, when the WTS has its own pedophile scandal that they are desperately trying to minimize, and muzzle the victims and advocates for the victims?

    You see, the WTS has very conveniently concocted a bald-faced LIE that there is NO GOOD REASON for being Inactive™. They claim that Inactivity™ is a sign of moral decay, lack of faith, or rebellion. As far as the WTS is concerned, to protest against sexual atrocities on children is only noble when it isn't a JW who is committing those atrocities, when it isn't a Body of Elders™ trying to intimidate victims into silence or from going to the authorities, when it isn't a Body of Elders™ assigning a Repentant™ (and twice Disfellowshipped™ and Reinstated™) child molester to the Book Study™ in the home of an unsuspecting family (mine), while they kept their own daughters safely out of this creep's reach. To insist on the WTS leadership holding themselves to the same standards of morality and honesty that they expect followers to adhere to is considered an act of Apostasy™ and rebellion.

    That's why they hate the Internet so much - it exposes their hypocrisy and their lies and just how much they are like every other money-grubbing tax sheltered cesspool of hypocritical religious crackpots.

    They paint all us Inactive™ people with the same brush of being depraved, materialistic, unloving, lacking faith or just plain lazy, when in truth they are the ones who embody the things of which they accuse us.

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