Frustrated with Holidays

by maninthemiddle 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • maninthemiddle

    I know we have all talked about the fact that holidays today don't mean what they did in the ancient past. I don't like the word pagan, becuase of all the negative conatations associated with it. But with something as simple as valentine's day; that the history beyond the known facts that a christian known as Valentine was martyed on Feb 14th, why is there so much disdaine for it? Even the quote the wachtower uses as a reference uses the word "probably"

    *** rs p. 181 - p. 182 Holidays ***
    What is the origin of Valentine’s Day?
    The World Book Encyclopedia informs us: “Valentine’s Day comes on the feast day of two different Christian martyrs named Valentine. But the customs connected with the day . . . probably come from an ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia which took place every February 15. The festival honored Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan, the god of nature.”

    My wife and I almost had an arguement, becase I don't what my son sitting in the library like I did, just becuse the kids are passing around cards.

    but does this not really get back to the matter or mind and life style control?

    Birthdays, are really what opened my mind up. I was talking with a coworker one day, saying that we dont; do birthdays, and he cornered me on there being no biblical backing for that belife, that was the thing that shook me up, wait these aren't my beliefs, they are what I was told to belive.

    Thanks for listening.


  • restrangled


    Just went through this and received some great advice from this post:

    I remember the excuse for no Birthdays was that 2 people in the Bible celebrated and bad things happened. That was it.

    Valentines day, I never heard an excuse for.


  • maninthemiddle

    Thanks, I missed that post when it was new, still reading all the responses now.

    Regarding Valentines day, I always got the exceuse that it was from a pagan holiday. well now learning that pagan doesn't mean the the WTS says it means changes things for me. There are only so many days in a year, I would be suprised if some traditions didn't morph and get picked up by others (christians).

    The cool thing is I got my wife to go to a co-workers birthday party with me. She seemed suprisingly comfortable. Maybe because nobody died?????

  • leec

    I have loathed VD (pun intended) ever since I was old enough to know what it is ... and I had no pressure growing up to avoid popular holidays. Most holidays are (or have become) nothing but annoying fluff.

    Can't wait until Monday, when all the cupids and red hearts and lacy decorations and pink pepto-bismal puke magically disappear for another year.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    All most sincerely devout JW's wanted to do was serve Jehovah in the way they thought he wanted to be served. They put their trust in the WTS and F&DS to formulate a belief system and lifestyle that accomplished this for them.

    The "true religion" JW's in the past celebrated holidays & birthdays, then it was accepted that "new light" determined it was pagan. Modern day JW kids missed out, were made fun of by other kids, and suffered no telling what other kind of emotional damage.

    All the while......the WTS was changing doctrine as you would change underwear (thus being wrong on things,) and was caught in bed with the UN.

    Do what your conscience says is right for the happiness of your family and do not be concerned with what JW's think.

    Think About It

  • maninthemiddle


    I don't really care for VD either, but it is the point that I can't do it because someone says I can't, and it doesn't matter what I think.

    Think about it,

    well, I thought about it...sorry just had to..... my problem is my wife, she doesn't agree...with us.... and would rather I not question anything, so that is the cause of my frustration. I am trying to to right my myself and my son, but I also have to meet somewhere in the middle with my wife.

  • WTWizard

    Valentines Day has "immoral" activities (immoral, according to the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery, that is) to this very day--plus it has pagan origins. But that is not the reason I don't observe it--opportunity, or the lack thereof, is.

    The other religious holidays are not immoral (even according to the Washtowel). They have supposedly pagan origins, and that's why they are banned. For birthdays, it is the two incidents where a birthday resulted in some supposedly innocent person losing his head and having it served on a platter to the person celebrating the birthday. I have been to a few birthday parties while I was little, but I never had a head served to me on a platter. Nor have I seen anyone being served a head.

  • Finally-Free

    I can take or leave any holiday. For the most part it's just another means for merchants to sell us useless crap we don't need.

    I just like holidays when I get a day off work with pay, like this weekend, because it's Family Day tomorrow in Ontario.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Everything is Pagan! Thats why the Golden Age had a Witness calandar with God-day instead of Sunday....wierdos!

  • shopaholic

    Can't wait until Monday... either...tons of sales!

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