FRAUD at the proper time: Watchtower swindle and GB nonsense

by Terry 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • reslight2

    1.The Second Adventists and Millerite Movement was the fulfillment of bible prophecy.

    Evidently it is thought that this is a "false teaching." Russell, who was never associated with, and who did not believe in, such an authoritarian organization as the Jehovah's witnesses, was never dogmatic about matters such as this, and he certainly never claimed a person was not a Christian if he failed to accept what he believed concerning this. Myself, I do believe that the events related to the Millerite movment were in fulfillment of Bible prophecy, but, like Russell, I do not wish to be understood that those who do not understand this are not Christian. Russell stated: "I should think that one-half of the friends do not have that quality of the mind which would enable them to understand a chronological proposition. And some of them might feel that because they could not understand all that was written in the second volume of Scripture studies on chronology, they could not be saints. Not at all, dear friends. Those who can understand chronological matters, let them have that pleasure. Let those who cannot do so not worry themselves about it." (What Pastor Russell Said, Q113:1) Regarding another matter, he said: "If you cannot understand it, never mind. Do you believe that the death of Jesus in some way is the ground or condition upon which the Father is willing to receive you? Yes. Very well, come on those
    conditions. That is the way the church has been coming for centuries past." (What Pastor Russell Said, Q113:1)

  • reslight2

    Again, it appears to be assumed that this is a false teaching; as far as I know, there has never been such a meteor shower as that one since.

    Russell was not the first to make such an application, and there were many other authors saying the same thing; however, nor was he presenting the matter as the primary fulfillment of the prophecy, as can be seen from his study on this. It is the symbolic fulfillment that Russell emphasized, not the physical.

    Russell stated in the Foreward of that book: "All Christian people credit the book of Revelation to our Lord, as St. John does. (Rev. 1:1) Therefore we are not responsible for the symbolism used in that book. There are so many ways in which one might be misunderstood, even by good Christian people, that we naturally feel a delicacy about expressing our views. As we proceed to set forth our understanding of the symbols of the Revelation, we wish to state most emphatically that we are saying nothing whatever against godly Christians anywhere, at any time, whether in any church or out of any church.... As we present our interpretations of the symbols of Revelation, we realize that the Word of God conveys a very terrible arraignment of some of the great systems of our day-- some that we have long reverenced and esteemed, that we have thought contained many who are godly in word and in deed. Let us, therefore, clearly distinguish between individuals and systems. We say nothing against the godly individual, but in the interpretation of the Word of God what we have to say is merely in respect to these systems."

    I personally would only suggest that the meteor shower was a possible fulfillment, while I would view the symbolic fulfillment to be of much great weight.

    Ronald R.

  • moshe

    Tery said the GB are rascals through and through-

    They used to eat Jewish deli food here- except it sold during the recently busted real estate boom in Florida.

  • reslight2

    3. 1846 marked the fulfillment of prophecy in having Jesus cleanse the Sanctuary (having arrived invisibly).

    Russell's study on this may be found at:

    Another Bible Student has written a follow-up on this:

    There are some aspects I disagree with the two presentation above, but overall, I am in agreement.

    I not sure what is meant by the idea that Jesus arrived in invisibily in 1846, as I could not verify any such thought as being presented by Russell.

    Ronald R.

  • Terry

    I not sure what is meant by the idea that Jesus arrived in invisibily in 1846, as I could not verify any such thought as being presented by Russell.

    Ronald R.

    My understanding is that a reader of the Watchtower (after reading in the Emphatic Diaglott) "discovered" an alternate meaning for the word PAROUSIA (usually translated "coming", as in : second coming) which was PRESENCE.

    At the seeming non-coming (disproof) of Jesus second coming as predicted some excuse (i.e. alterante explanation) was desperately needed.

    This became a sort of de fact NEW LIGHT explanation for a non-event. It blossomed into the 1914 arrival of Jesus invisibly at the start of his ruling amidst his enemies.

  • Mary

    Terry: I called Crooklyn a couple of years ago to ask why they had to continuously have study articles on oral sex when there were little kids in the audience. Throughout the conversation he went on to defend their stand but when I asked him for a scripture to back up their view on how bad oral sex was, he actually admitted to me that 'alot of what's written in the articles are their personal opinions' and not from the scriptures.

    I was stunned that he admitted such a thing and wished to god I had taped the conversation.

  • thetrueone

    The WTS. has been founded on nothing but fraudulent opinions written into literature,

    but nevertheless commercialized to the public.

  • Terry

    The WTS. has been founded on nothing but fraudulent opinions written into literature,

    but nevertheless commercialized to the public.

    It is good to keep in mind the difference between CONSCIOUS fraud and PIOUS fraud.

    These people are honest in their piety. Where they are dishonest is in there intellectual integrity.

    The unwillingness to listen to the echo of failure from their pronouncements is deafening.

    An honest person has to be aware of failure.

    An honest person has to be willing to be wrong.

    An honest person does not blame-shift.

    The Watchtower Society reflects the tendency of its leaders to entrench in the face of error and pretend it will all go away.

    I think of it this way. It is like a fart at the dinner table in a fine restaurant. The only way to deal with it is to pretend it isn't happening long enough for it to go away. Then, later....quitely complain in private.

    That's the state of the art in the Kingdom Hall. The Governing Body keeps farting at the dinner table. The brothers keep pretending it doesn't stink. Then, later---privately they complain.

    This doesn't accomplish anything.

    The wheels of change came off the wagon a long time ago.

    When Fred Franz passed, the "quality" of the nonsense (the smell of the fart) merely changed to a different stench.

  • ziddina

    Richard Dawkins has been FREQUENTLY mis-quoted by creationists, as above: "Here's some new light for atheists:

    "The fact that life evolved out of nearly nothing, some 10 billion years after the universe evolved out of literally nothing - is a fact so staggering that I would be mad to attempt words to do it justice." ...Richard Dawkins"

    But here is a MORE COMPLETE quote - with a bit more context, from the book: "The Ancestor's Tale" - Dawkins' 4-billion-year pilgrimage to the origin of life...

    "If it's amazement you want," renowned, Oxford evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins writes in this 673-page celebration of the universe, "the real world has it all." Migrating jellyfish. Platypus radar and electric fish. Redwoods. Genetic similarities between hippos and whales. Peacock sexuality. Prehistoric rhino-sized rodents. "Not only is life on this planet amazing, and deeply satisfying, to all whose senses have not been dulled by familiarity: the very fact that we have evolved the brain power to understand our evolutionary genesis redoubles the amazement and compounds the satisfaction" (p. 612). And as for male baldness, lactose intolerance, wheat allergies, walking on two legs, and big brains, Dawkins' book brilliantly reveals that the life stories of every species are equally interesting, that evolution has not had its final word, and that the universe is not only about the Homo sapiens.

    Just as history has been described as "one damn thing after another," in THE ANCESTOR'S TALE, Dawkins (THE SELFISH GENE, 1976) demonstrates that "evolutionary history can be represented as one damn species after another" (p. 1). He reveals that not only did life evolve "out of nearly nothing, some 10 billion years after the universe evolved out of literally nothing," but that evolution "eventually led to beings capable of comprehending the process" (p. 613).

    And that's the rest of the quote... Quote-mining without taking the context into consideration?? Sound familiar??


  • KingDavidwasframed

    I needed to mark this for reference later - good points - Thank-you

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