Leader of missionary arrested in Haiti faces many legal issues at home...

by JWoods 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWoods


    I just saw this background article on the woman who was the leader of the "baptist missionary group" who were arrested by Haiti for illegally trying to sneak out some Haitian kids through the Dominican Republic.

    Looks like there is a pretty spotty background - many legal problems in her former state, foreclosure on a 350K house, lawsuits for failure to pay wages in some internet shopping business, etc. How did she expect to actually care for these kids, anyway?

    Doesn't Haiti and all those starving kids have enough problems without having the likes of this bunch and such nuts as John Edwards working the disaster for their own personal publicity?

  • snowbird

    Now, leave John Edwards alone, JWoods.

    He's trying to repair his damaged image.

    I wonder if he's getting his hair mussed.


  • beksbks

    Ha, I just read this too. Apparently she planned to "rent a hotel" to house the children after they were "gathered up".

    PS, on John Edwards, he should go find a hole to crawl in, and stay there.

  • snowbird



  • JeffT

    I'd like to hear more about what, exactly, those missionaries thought they were doing. I can't figure out if they were malicious or just stupid.

    I think John Edwards has crawled into enough holes. He should do about thirty years of pro bono legal work, maybe he could actually do something for poor people.

  • beksbks

    JeffT! I do believe there was secsyooal innuendo in your remark!

  • JWoods

    Well, I guess I sidetracked my own thread with the John Edwards remark - (he apparantly really was trying to make himself look better and even tried to get the Obama white house to approve him to go to Haiti. They would not, to their credit.)

    My point was that there really was something weird underneath these so-called "missionaries" and their eventual arrest...while early news reports seemed to be in favor of them and somehow against the Haitians for the incident.

    I think they are looking more and more like scammers.

  • JWoods

    Update - I just saw last night that all nine except this "leader" lady missionary have finally been released.

    Update 2 - The National Enquirer chief editor claims that a grand jury will soon indict John Edwards for use of campaign money to pay off and hide the mistress - in an interview last night.

  • undercover

    Yea, that lady seemed wrong from the start. Too bad she got others who really did want to help involved...

    And John Edwards... ya'll are seeing what most of us in NC already knew...he's a slimeball...

  • Elsewhere

    > How did she expect to actually care for these kids, anyway?

    She was going to use the kids for income:

    • IRS Tax Credit for each kid ($1,000 for each qualifying child under the age of 17.)
    • Adoption Subsidy for each child (The average base amount nationwide is about $350.00 per month)

    If they managed to bring in all 30 kids, they would have been making $126,030 each year... tax free.

    Put the kids in a cheap Barracks with bunk beds, provide cheap food and you're set.



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