How come people with the least means of supporting themselves ''Pioneer'' ?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new light
    new light

    Those who, those who can't...preach.

    People that have carved out a good life generally have enough self worth that they don't need to piosneer to soothe the ego and gain JW points.

    A good looking, financially secure JW will always have plenty of friends as long as he generally follows the rules.

    If you don't have the above, then pioneering is the way to up your position in JW land, and give you an excuse for your lack of worldly accomplishment.

  • DaCheech

    on a side note, i'm out and about 40 hours a week in business and i must observe that in urban areas they are out preaching ALOT (weekdays) in big groups

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Thta's the ticket! Bookbag Therapy they called it. If you were depressed, unemployed or spiritually down... Pioneering would bring extra blessings from Heap big Jeholba.... If you have no food or shelter, put kingdom interest first and all else will be provided, remember? So, Pioneer? Sure. W.Once

  • chickpea

    i recall a convo with a 'sistah'
    when her husband was laid
    off and the elduhs were all
    over him like hens on a
    junebug trying to get him
    to pioneer....

    ridiculous when you consider
    (well when you consider
    the whole pioneer scheme)
    that this KH's territory was
    a huge rural expanse and
    he lived an easy 20 mi from
    the KH.... so bogus!

    he didnt, btw
    he got the sneer part
    of piosneer down pat

  • minimus

    I felt bad for those that felt they HAD to pioneer. What was worse was after the month was done they were all pumped up and did it again!

  • DaCheech

    I DID AUXILLIARY about 5 months in my whole 19-21 year old span.

    it was like a rat race from: work/eat/change/field serv... and get minimal sleep/rest

  • moshe

    It would be great, if that pioneering JW could get a nobel prize for some smart discovery, but they never will. They can feel important among their peer group by pioneering instead of working and studying hard to make the world a better place to live.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Up until about 3 or 4 years ago, Pioneering in California would usually bring Jehovah's blessing for reasonably skilled JW trades-people.

    If a JW lost a job/contract, the first thing they would do was ask for an Aux. Pioneer application (then brag about it later on the Circuit Assembly). Then they would make sure to spread the word far and wide about their current lack of employment. This put them on top of the "A" list for a successful JW contractor to pick them up. "Jehovah" (the JW social network) provided.

    "Jehovah" has been a little slow hiring unemployed pioneers for the last couple years though. Go figure.


  • DaCheech

    another thing that irqs me big, is that these piosneers that have their own businesses ripoff their customers (price wise).

  • Leprechaun

    Because they accept the cult mentality, the idealist bullshit.

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