Why 'Apostates' Are All The More Remarkable

by metatron 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • jdhf

    i have read all of the above and agree with nearly all remarks.. I am adding a link a friend sent that helped her sort our her brain and emotions. I would have been very wary of apostates before, and now, if my thoughts were known in the cong., would be considered one. i am battling with this concept as mind control is very insideous and hard to let go of. Let me know what you think of this site. I know my path is going to be difficult and I don't kind saying right now, at the moment, I think periodically was I better off in ignorance? In my heart I know I hate lies, but I knew where I was and who I was. Now, I son't know what there is and it kills me at times. I want to know that something better is around the corner, I just can't see it right now.



  • kurtbethel

    When talking to JWs, I find out about their religious background. Then when they drop the "A" bomb I mention that they are an apostate Catholic or apostate Baptist or whatever. That usually mutes them down a few notches, and more importantly, causes them to think about what they are saying.

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