Mr. Bloom explains Global Warming.

by Nathan Natas 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Here's my position in a "nut" shell:

    Al Gore is a promoter of "climate change". If a scientific/political genius of his ilk says YES, the correct answer must be NO.

    There is evidence, as I've said, that the figures have been fudged to support the agenda. Since the graphs are based on the figures, I'm inclined not to put my trust in them.

    But MAYBE I'm wrong. MAYBE the Easrth is getting warmer.

    Explain to me how HIGHER TAXES are going to change that.

    All I need is for Earth to remain intact for another 20 or 30 years. After that, it isn't my problem. Meanwhile I'm going to make CO 2 and fart like there's no tomorrow.

  • villabolo

    Villabolo thinks I should be on JWN 24/7 and should respond immediately to any counter argument.

    I explained myself thoroughly on this in my post 1518. Others have the courtesy of telling their commentors that they will be out if they start the thread early and can't be there for a response.

    Well, I'm sorry, but I too have a life.

    I'm glad that your life ended and that you decided to respond about 1/2 hour after my last post. You could have been out all day long for all your response, as follows, matters.

    Bekbks feels that because the video was featured on Beitbart's site, that means the position taken by Godfrey Bloom, member of the european Parliament, is thereby rendered moot. How does THAT work?

    Well, here's the link on YouTube. Happy now?

    I don't know if she implied that, it's between her and thou.

    Evidence keeps coming forward that the "science" supporting global/cooling...err..warming...err...climate change has been corrupted by politics.

    So where is the evidence? You did not put out any evidence on this thread just a ranting, raving politician who talked about how cold it was in a small portion of the earth. Like all cherry pickers he kept from including (For December of 2009) Canada, the whole Arctic which was above it's average compared to the eastern, midwestern half of the USA below it. He even forgot the Southern Hemisphere which was in summer mode then like Australia which was 110 one day and 92 one night, way above their summer average.

    Bottom line, you have not responded to our response, that last sentence of yours is just rhetoric.

    I believe the climate change proponents are the "flat earthers" of our time.

    I hope that you are not as old as your avatar appears so that you may, like the Chinese say, live in interesting times.

    Now, will Villabolo respond immediately, or does he too have a life? Time will tell...


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Farkel makes a good point.

    Most of us here have been victims of an "I can predict the future, therefore you must do this" scam at some point in our lives.

    Some, like me, are cynical and suspicious of similar-sounding claims.

    Others aren't.

  • beksbks
    All I need is for Earth to remain intact for another 20 or 30 years. After that, it isn't my problem. Meanwhile I'm going to make CO 2 and fart like there's no tomorrow.

    Yes, the bottom line with you people. You couch your selfishness in the guise of patriotism.

    Explain to me how HIGHER TAXES are going to change that.

    My goodness, has Villabolo been arguing for higher taxes? Or simply the validity of climate change?

  • beksbks
    Some, like me, are cynical and suspicious of similar-sounding claims.
    Others aren't.

    Yes, some of us are cynical and suspicious, that's why we try to find unbiased resources for information.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Surely, Villabolo, as person as completely well informed as you (claim to be) cannot be unaware of the scandal that broke a few weeks ago concerning the doctored data on these climate change reports.

    Are you a big boy, capable of fully informing yourself, or would you like a nanny to hold your hand and do the research for you?

    More people are becoming aware of the political motive of these flat-earthers... I mean "climate changers."

  • villabolo

    Surely, Villabolo, as person as completely well informed as you (claim to be) cannot be unaware of the scandal that broke a few weeks ago concerning the doctored data on these climate change reports.

    I'm not going to fall for that change the subject routine. What do you think I am, a dumb bull in Spain easily fooled by a red cape? THE SUBJECT THAT YOU BROUGHT UP WAS THE EARTH SUPPOSEDLY GETTING COLDER IN 2009 vis a vi Mr. Bloom. And we responded. But you're not counter responding to that issue.

    Are you a big boy, capable of fully informing yourself, or would you like a nanny to hold your hand and do the research for you?


  • villabolo
    Nathan Natas: "All I need is for Earth to remain intact for another 20 or 30 years. After that, it isn't my problem. Meanwhile I'm going to make CO 2 and fart like there's no tomorrow."

    Beksbks: "Yes, the bottom line with you people. You couch your selfishness in the guise of patriotism."

    Right on target Beks.

    And that statement, Nathan, should resound through the decades. Do you care that your great grandchildren will be spitting on your grave for thinking so highly of them? Yes, as Beks said, that is the bottom line with you people. Psychopathic and self consuming like a cancer.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Yep, that's me. PSYCHOPATH!

    I also know how to make fools jump up and dance like the mindless puppets they are.

    Not that there's anything wrong with being a fool. They're so predictable and fun to watch.

    And Villabolo, my avatar is Nathan Knorr (CANCEROUS!), by the way. I'm not surprised you didn't recognize him, though.

    What kind of film did you use for your photo, Villabolo? The red is so intense I figure it must have been Fuji. [duh]

  • beksbks
    More people are becoming aware of the political motive of these flat-earthers... I mean "climate changers."

    What is that motive Nathan?

    What of the political and monetary motive of those who deny? Does that somehow count for nothing? Even though the majority of deniers have been bought and paid for by big energy interests?

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