My mother died this morning

by darth frosty 69 Replies latest members private

  • lisavegas420

    So sorry for you loss. Know you are in our thoughts.

    May your good memories carry your though this time of pain and hurt.


  • nugget

    Even though you may have been mentally prepared for her death the reality is still hard to bear. I feel sorry for you dimentia is such a cruel way to go as you loose the person twice. Thinking of you.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    So sorry to hear of your loss, Darth. In my thoughts today.


  • iknowall558

    Darth...Im so sorry to hear about your loss....x

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    (((I'm sorry)))


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Thanks again for all of you comments.

    Here is the latest, funeral is tomorrow, so for at least one day I have to slip back to a world and life I had gladly left behind. Coupla days ago talked to my old PO (great sincere guy just in a cult.) Last night I had an old friend call, who when we last spoke told me that since I don't go to the hall he doesn't know what I believe now (sadly still believe's that a religion makes the man.)

    I recognize a lot of people will use this as a way to 'try' and get me back to the meetings. What foolish dubs dont they know that once you turn to the darkside you can never go back?!? Muhahahaha.

    But I digress.

    I have my line all prepared for them. I will be polite and socialble ( I realize they have to throw out the half-hearted attempt) But for any fool who attempts to make super nice to me and presses the issue, I will polite, but firmly, tell them 'If we have not talked and you have me no attempts to talk or reconnect with me in the last 4 yrs, I dont see the need to reconnect now.' (yes there is a reason I'm called frosty.)

    During the service tomorrow I will have a quiet smile on my face. No less than 4 'apostates' will be there. These will be in the disguise of former elders, MS and bethelites.


  • ziddina

    Sorry to hear about your loss, Darth Frosty... Especially to hear that she was unable to fully acknowledge you towards the last, due to the dementia... I am impressed that the brothers from her hall did visit her often; that was a subject of a recent thread that indicated your/her experience was a happy exception...

    Much strength and patience to you thru the days ahead... Zid

  • Hopscotch


    Sorry to hear about your mum.


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    well back home glad thats over with. Went pretty good. The brother who gave the memorial service is the same who gave my wedding talk (still got mixed feeling about that ;-)

    He did a great job, it was very personable and respectfull to my mother and her personality. I was doing fine, till he had to stop because he started getting emotional (thought I was done with the weeping.) It was a fine service. I know a lot on here have problem with elders, but I have to admit that There were some sincere genuine brothers at the last hall I attended, they're just in a cult.

    Two things that really choked me up, someone showed up who had studied with my mother YEARS ago! She is now baptized but never got a chance to tell my mother the impact she had on her life.

    The other thing, three of the nurses from the nursing home where she spent the last 3 yrs came and told me with tears in their eyes how much they enjoyed and will miss my mothers...antics (once she escaped and tried to get back home.) I found that touching considering the handfull she was in her later years.

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    Upping this. I was thinking of your mom today. She was an AMAZING woman!

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