Friend got sucked in, then back out again

by SirNose586 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SirNose586

    Just a little good news story for y'all...

    Back in high school I had a friend who was a little weird, but he was cool enough and I liked him. He was really into martial arts. After graduation I lost contact with him. At the last circuit assembly that I will everattend, I was surprised to see him there and we caught up on things.

    It turns out that after graduation, he'd been partying a lot (just drinking), and getting tired of the same neighborhood idiots. He didn't go to college. There had been a JW man in his 50's calling on his mom for a long time, and now this friend (let's call him Joe) began to look up to this guy as a father figure. Joe wanted to clean up his life. He began studying and was hooked quickly.

    I met up with Joe at a time when I was on my way out, so it was a little bit painful to hear him so enthusiastic about the religion I didn't really care for. For a month or so after the CA meetup, we hung out for a bit. After a particularly drama-filled JW boozefest party, we didn't talk for many months.

    After I got my revolver and started a little gun club on Facebook, Joe joins and mentions something about "some toys needing attention." I thought he had guns of his own. It turns out that he didn't, but he wanted to go shooting anyway. We went shooting yesterday; it was very fun for the both of us. He really liked the Remington 870.

    After the shooting and catching the Chargers beat the 'Skins at a downtown bar, he opened up about how he wasn't studying anymore, and he knew that I wasn't going to the meetings anymore. He was tired of the controlling doctrine, and the fake friends. I agreed with him.

    It was good to know that he quickly figured out that the Witnesses weren't worth his time.

  • JWoods

    I wonder if this is a hidden statistic - the number of people who sort of study, attend for a short while, and then just drop out after seeing the true nature of the situation.

    I would just estimate in my time in this cult (1962 to about 1979) that the number of new converts that stayed for more than 2 or 3 years was only about 50%.

  • flipper

    SIR NOSE- It's so great when we hear stories of someone who escaped the jaws of the Great White Shark WT society and swam away to freedom ! JWoods is right- there are probably many more like your friend who by luck and insight of their own just avoided wasting their lives away in a mind control cult ! Freedom of mind is sweet my friend ! Thanks for posting

  • cantleave

    Good for him - another one saved from the cancer.

  • JWoods

    Just a little add-on to this thread: Back in the early 1970s, we had a young woman start attending meetings after study for about 3 months. She looked like a sure-fire convert, UNTIL -

    Of all things, somebody suddenly told her that she should not let her kids (they were younger than 10) dress up in costumes and go out for Halloween. She said "NOBODY is going to tell me what to have my kids do", and stomped out never to return.

    You really never know what one little thing might get these new ones to see the control aspects just before they go off the cliff.

  • SirNose586
    JWoods is right- there are probably many more like your friend who by luck and insight of their own just avoided wasting their lives away in a mind control cult !

    I wish I knew. But the statistics aren't published (and probably not even counted) so we can only hope there are many more like Joe out there.

    You really never know what one little thing might get these new ones to see the control aspects just before they go off the cliff.

    Part of it may have been that he didn't really have any youth in his hall. And the ones who did meet him treated him like crap. Sometimes it really is just a few surface things.

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