A Hypothetical DA Letter for Faders

by DT 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle


    My brother's name was not "announced" at all. Others are doing this also and their name's are not being announced at all (if they claim to go 'legal.') The organization may have the right to announce your name that way but it seems individuals have the right to deny them to do it also. It seems the WTS and elders may fear it to go to the courts.

  • DT

    "All they announce at the meeting now is, "Brother So-and-So is no longer one of JW's." They don't actually mention anything about your moral character or anything like that, and they don't specifically say to cut off all communication with that person. The only way I can see around this would be to prove from their own literature that they command the R&F to cease talking with anyone who used to be a witness but no longer is. Any thoughts on how to incorporate that into the letter? I figure they could use the excuse that they are only announcing the termination of your membership, and nothing about your moral character. Thoughts?"

    It's a tricky situation considering the Watchtower Society's habit of using language with hidden meanings. One idea is to further emphasise that you aren't resigning, you're just responding to the decision of the Watchtower Society to view you differently and no longer officially count you as a member. Theoretically, they can't later decide to take any action or make any announcements that would result in punishment for someone who is no longer a member.

    It's not really a resignation letter, it just deals with removing a person's name from the Society's records which would make future disciplinary action much less likely. Laws vary by country, but I believe some countries are pretty strict about privacy rights and would possibly prevent the Watchtower Society from imposing sanctions against those who would exercise those rights.

  • palmtree67

    "You records may indicate that I made a personal dedication to God. This was a private religious matter between my God and myself. Any attempt by you to modify that arrangement or use it imply that you have rights as part of a private agreement that you were never a party to will be viewed by me as a gross violation of my religious rights and result in legal consequences."



  • wobble

    I think this is great, I think the argumentation is spot on,and I will use it if ever I bother to DA.

    Another way of spiking the guns is to claim that you still Witness about Almighty God, so it is libellous to say that you are no longer a Jehovah's Witness.

    Thanks a lot.



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