Is it wrong

by notknowing 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • notknowing

    Is it wrong that I am now part of a ministry where we reach out to the young and old. We go into prisons and juvenile detention centers to talk to the kids and adults to encourage them to read there bible and to show motivation. The way how we do this is through our motorcycle and the stunts we perform. The organization would say that this is wreckless and dangerous and wouldnt allow me to do this if I were still a JW.

  • creativhoney

    this is an interesting concept. motorbikes and the bible. ? I cant even think of something to say. I bet Jesus would have a bike were he around today. and a beard.

  • LucyA

    I would have paid more attention If they had motorbikes at the KH. Their isn't anything wrong with tell people you beliefs as long as you don't require or trick them into conversion.

  • Satanus

    Targetting prison inmates is ok, imo, because they are in an institution, anyway. Most of them would welcome positive social contact/activity. Also, if they took up serious christianity, it might improve their abilities to live better lives.

    Targetting the young is a nono. It's not your business to teach young people your religion. It's the job of the parents. Old people? Why bother?


  • trueblue

    I bet Jesus would have a bike were he around today. and a beard.

  • ldrnomo

    Yes it is wrong if you are doing this and not using the TOOLS Jehovah has provided through his faithful and discreet slave led by his son Christ Jesus who is the head of the organization run by the Governing Body of men appointed with Holy Spirit to oversee the feeding and spiritual care of Christ's sheep. Instead of telling these people to look to the Bible, you should be helping them to learn what is required of us by using the litterature provided by the men Christ has appointed. This is the only way they can be saved and survive into the physical paradise earth (new system of things)

    Praise Jah you people for he is our salvation!

    Every body accept Jehovah's people is going to die very soon


  • ldrnomo

    You do know I'm just Joking don't you?


  • notknowing

    when i speak to the youth at christian based events.. Im tellin them about where i have came from. Pre JW time. and after and how many things in my life have changed for the better.

    In the book of Romans. It says that we have been given a gift and to use it to glorify God. And thats what we are out there to do. And if there are kids that are able to reach others whether it be by skateboarding,surfing or singing. Then to do it.

    Most of the motivational speaking that we do is not centered around religion due to the Public school system. But at Private Christian school ,we do

  • notknowing

    I never impose my JW beleifs. I am struggling with certain things But i do know that Jesus Christ died for my sins.

  • Chalam

    As my wife says, Jesus talks to people in their own "currency".

    Read the gospels, He met with people in their own situation and talked to them about things and in ways they could understand.

    Nothing has changed save He talks to us via His Spirit John 14

    To answer your question, I think these verses will help

    Titus 1:15-16 (New International Version)

    15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. 16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.



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