Have any of you been 're-baptised'

by EndofMysteries 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EndofMysteries
  • What-A-Coincidence

    only unbaptized

  • EndofMysteries

    the stupid thing posted before I put in the content lol, any of you who still believe in God and the bible, has any of you baptised after 1985 had it redone. If so, tell us what process you went through. (who did it, where, what did the one doing it say prior or did you say anything, etc )

    I'm considering redoing it in some way

  • lovelylil2

    yes but not water baptized again. Only holy spirit baptized.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    why u believe in that 'stuff'? just accept Satan in your heart and do his will and be joyous

  • blondie

    I do believe if you were baptized in another religion and became a jw you were rebaptized.

  • lovelylil2

    It doesn't really matter what church denomination you were baptised in if God has baptized you with his Holy Spirit. IF so, there is no need for another baptism unless it really bothers your conscience that you were baptized into the organization.

    I struggled with this very issue when I was first out of the WT. But a mature christian brother of mine explained that since I was already "born again", I had in fact been baptized with the spirit of God and water baptism was not needed anymore. The Water baptism is only a symbol of our outward dedication to God for the eyes of men. In other words, it shows our christian brothers and sisters we are in fact dedicating ourselves to God. But baptism by the Holy Spirit is what is needed for the true conversion of a person into God's family.

    A person may never have had a water baptism and yet God can baptize them with his Holy Spirit. Likewise, a person may of had a water baptism but never recieves the Holy Spirit.

    If you would like to know more about what it means to be born again and how you can tell if you were born again, send me a pm with your email address and I will send you a short essay I wrote on the subject. Then if you still have Q's I can answer them in more detail privately. Peace, Lilly

  • asilentone

    There is one poster here that got rebaptized twice as a JW, but I forgot her username, it takes time to recall. She does not post here that much.

  • PEC

    I will as soon as atheist's start baptizing. Never mind, I never did the dirty dead in the first place.


  • asilentone

    Now I remember her username, Merfi, let me check what was her last time she posted here. You might want to PM her if you are curious. It might be awhile before you get a response from her.

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