Idolization of the Watchtower logo! in March WT

by Gayle 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • darkl1ght3r

    I find the claim that they are saying that it's the logo itself that is shining as the sun to be quite a stretch. They're obviously talking about the incerdible shrinking/growing annointed class which, of course, is equally stupid. HOWEVER, the simple fact that they have used the logo in that way so prominantly in the middle of the magazine does elevate it to the point of veneration. The symbol has become their "cross". The rank and file (as well as COs and DOs) already wear pins, tie-pins, and necklaces with that symbol.

    And yes, I LOVE the fact that they've included the "TM" right next to it. It's a perfect representaion of Watchtower Inc.'s "religion as business" cold, mechanical nature.

  • AllTimeJeff


    I can't believe that! (actually, I can) I just had an urge to smack a random GB member, just for being a dumbass. Who gave the ok for this? Idiots!

  • superpunk

    It actually seems like that is their "placeholder" for all online media, rather than a scan of the actual picture that would have appeared there. The caption is obviously describing something completely different.

  • SirNose586
    It actually seems like that is their "placeholder" for all online media, rather than a scan of the actual picture that would have appeared there. The caption is obviously describing something completely different.

    That seemed fishy to me, too. The TM on the picture didn't make it seem legit.

    For some reason my folks put some Watchtowers on my bed, but I through them away. I don't know if the March 15th was in there, so I can't upload a pic to show what's really on there.

    But that begs the question: why couldn't they put a picture of whatever it was in the .pdf?

  • dissed

    Was the TM really some subliminal message like the Zeus pictures being inserted into the WTs?

    "If you look closely at the picture you can see a TM"

    Further, can you imagine a TM prominantly displayed on a WT picture of JC on the stake?

    Get used to it folks, I think this is just the beginning of more TM's

  • bobld

    Like I said before the R&F worship and pray the the GB/FDS nothing new.Also I believe Matt 13:37-43 applies to the heart conditions of believers that is why J.C. total them to wait until the end.


  • WTWizard

    So much for zero tolerance for idolatry in the religion. If they are going to display this symbol, they might as well make it a cross.

    In fact, I believe now that this is why they discontinued having the old logo displayed in new Kingdumb Hells and banned jewelry with the old logo. They wouldn't want anyone to have any links to the old witlesses (before additional new rules come out), now would they?

  • AnnOMaly

    Peeps, furthering Superpunk's comment, maybe this explains the Watchtower logo picture:

    "November 2, 2009


    Re: Study articles of The Watchtower on the Web site

    Dear Brothers:

    We are pleased to inform you that the study articles in the English edition of The Watch-tower will be made available as PDF files in the public area of the Web site. This should be helpful to brothers who live in countries where their mother tongue is not spoken and who have difficulty obtaining their magazines in time for the Watchtower Study in their congregation. During the month of December 2009, English files for the issues of January 15, February 15, and March 15, 2010, will be posted on the site in two different formats. Thereafter, beginning with the issue of April 15, 2010, PDF files will be posted at the same time as the English audio files. The study articles in other languages will be added to the site as they become available. You will be able to print out the study articles in the following two formats.

    The regular-size study articles for each issue will be in a single PDF file. The file will in-clude a cover sheet with the publishers' information in the header, schedules from the original printed cover (study dates, titles, song numbers), and the "Purpose of Study Articles" text from page 2. Commercial artwork for which we do not have approval to distribute electronically will be replaced with a generic image. Also, any portion of a nonstudy article that shares the same page with part of a study article will be deleted.

    Each issue of the large-print edition will be distributed in two PDF files to match the two parts of each issue of the printed edition of The Watchtower-Large-Print. This will require printing out 64 pages, but it will no doubt be helpful to brothers with poor eyesight.

    Only the six current issues of the study edition of The Watchtower in both formats will be available on the Web site. The files will be removed after they have been available for six months.

    We send our warm Christian love and best wishes.

    Your brothers,

    PS to coordinator of the body of elders:

    At the next Service Meeting, please arrange for an announcement to be made to the congregation that a letter on the above-noted subject has been posted on the information board."

    (taken from;wap2)

    If the logo image is really a placeholder because they don't have approval to reproduce their chosen picture electronically, you guys are all getting your heads in a spin for nothing. I guess we'll just have to wait for the printed version to come out.

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