alcoholism a clear and present danger for JWs and XJWs?

by quietlyleaving 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • quietlyleaving

    I was having an interesting discussion with an xjw recently and we both knew of elders who were alcoholic but who were allowed to keep their privileges because their condition was described as a disease.

    The elder I knew was also spotted in a drunken state on a couple of occasions. He kept his privileges. Whereas if you are not an elder and you have been seen in a drunken state you will face a judicial committee and risk being disfellowshipped.

    This conversation also got me thinking about the whys of the tendencies towards alcoholism amongst JWs and XJWS. I'd like to know what you all think?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Trying to look at this from a JW point of view for a moment (without throwing up), the elder JW who has the "disease" of alcoholism is not free to get drunk. The disease means that he has a weakness, same as those members that go enjoy some fornication. The solution for a JW who has a weakness is total abstinence. If he cannot totally abstain, then his stumbling block of drunkenness should mean that he should not be an elder.

    Now, can I see from a JW point of view, not getting judicial with a member for his "disease" ? Certainly. But it's still hard to judge one weakness different from another because of the controversy over whether it is a disease or not. Easier as a former JW to see that all these judgments are ridiculous and the individual should judge themself and their service to their faith.

    Are JW's more susceptible to alcoholism than others? It's hard to know for sure. WTS's high control over the thoughts, emotion, and behavior does increase depression. Alcohol is self-medication for the depressed.

  • mouthy

    I think booze is the only thing a witness can do that is not a sin.

    I dont touch the stuff after having a DAD,Hubby,Son,grandson,grand-daughter
    that loved the stuff. Made part of my life Hell. But I believe A LOT!!!! of JW"S
    are heavy boozers. I was hauled into the Library because I WOULD NOT take
    the booze my study offered me. I was told I was a stumbling block by refusing

    Go Figure!!!!!!!!!!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    The Flock Book puts private overdrinking in a special category and, IMO, provides an implied wink to the elders to go a little bit easier on this particular sin. The special category is that if someone confesses to private overindulgence on one occasion, a single elder can hear his confession and is allowed for that to be the end of the matter. No JC required.

    Thanks for the topic. I think it's time for me to lay off the juice for a while.


  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    I think booze is the only thing a witness can do that is not a sin.

    Thats a good point Mouthy and your absolutely right, it might very well being that JWS are kept out of doing so much, celebrating dates ...etc.

    Therefore intoxicating booze gets the green light because wine is so sacred in bible mythology.

    Jesus didn't turn water into something healthy like orange juice or grape juice like he should have

    instead he got a bunch of people drunk on wine and gave them all hangovers.

  • lepermessiah

    All I have seen is the disgusting double-standard in my experiences.

    I know so many elders, MS, etc....who have drinking problems or are alcoholics. The majority of them kept all priviliges and rarely received anything more than a slap on the wrist.

    I had a friend who was a wonderful person, but had a horrible drinking problem. He was disfellowshipped for alcholism. The committee that was working on his case told him that he not only had to remain sober for 2 YEARS before they would consider his reinstatement but that he was not to consume ANY alcohol.

    I was serving as an elder at the time and still kept tabs on him. I told him that was the biggest bunch of BS I had ever heard - where is it in writing that was the requirement for reinstatement? Also, I told him that his problem was going to be a life-long battle. He may slip and fall many times along the way, and need to get back up.

    The guy finally managed to stay sober and was reinstated. A few months later, he fell off the wagon hard. He was disfellowshipped again, and eventually passed away.

    Very sad story....

  • mouthy

    No God didnt give them hangovers they did that to themselves
    But in truth they should really only get moderatly drunk

  • sammielee24

    I think alcoholism is a danger for anyone with a weakness geared toward addiction - regardless of whether or not they are inside or outside. I don't know of any alcoholic Elders myself but I do know that most of the JW women I've acquaintanced, seem to have more mental/emotional l issues that those I know outside. At least that is how it appears and most often that is linked to a high rate of prescription drug use for depression etc. I think prescription drug use is acceptable in either gender because it is medically prescribed and thus both legal and need to hide it. sammieswife.

  • snowbird

    My 24 year-old JW nephew is on the fast track to becoming a heavy drinker.

    He has a high-powered job that requires him to fly all over the country; he is a MS who can give polished talks; he is working toward his PhD in education; word on the street is that he drinks like a fish.

    His mother worries about him because our father and two of our brothers were stone alcoholics.

    Does he listen to her counsel?



  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Another reason why so many JWS get themselves involved with booze is because they are indoctrinate with such horrible ideas that soon

    most of the people they know including family, relatives and neighbors are going to be killed by the great almighty,

    this can also drive people to disillusion themselves with alcohol.

    Sadly alcohol conjures up and promotes other problems in their lives.

    Realistically though I think its more of the fact that they are being held back on doing other things that non-JWS are doing

    that spurs on the use of alcohol. Take that way from them and they will really crumble.

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