Types of Men--Which Type are You?

by VIII 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • HappyGuy

    I'm not sure what men you know but all those descriptions made me kind of sick.

    You left off one: Real Man


    Self Confident

    Does what needs to be done when it needs to be done without whining about it, if necessary takes a deep breath first and braces himself.

    Does not tolerate nonsense.



    Has big heart and is not afraid to use it.

    Makes committments and honors them.

    Keeps his promises.

    Does not make promises lightly, but if he does make a promise only Hell or high water can make him break the promise.

    Provides for those who he loves and those who depend on him.


    Empathetic to a high degree.



    Treats everyone with respect, dignity, kindness and consideration. Even people who are in an "inferior" position like waitstaff, hotel clerks, store clerks, etc.

    Honest. Views lying and liars as DESPICABLE behavior and won't tolerate them.

    Educated. Self educated if need be.

    Curious. Einstein said that one's intelligence was measured by the depth of their curiosity and imagination.

    Loves with a total lack of inhibition, boudaries, reservation, or constraint. Loves with his whole heart, soul, spirit, mind, body, and will.

    Does not make excuses or accept excuses from others.

    In relation to how he treats his woman (yes, he owns his woman )

    Does not criticize.

    Does anything he can to make her life easier. Carries the heavy burdens on HIS shoulders so that she has more time for important things like getting her nails painted, getting her hair done, picking out lingerie.

    Pretends to listen when she blathers on and on about stuff which he has no idea what she is talking about.

    Takes the lead in finding fun things to do.

    Takes out the garbage without being nagged to death about it.

    Doesn't tolerate being nagged to death about stupid stuff.

    Doesn't argue about stupid crap.

    Finds profound things to read and shares them.

    Finds beautiful music to listen to and shares it.

    Well I could go on but I think you get the idea.

  • restrangled

    Happy Guy, Most men poses those qualities you mentioned and are not all about the descriptions above just like most women are not in the other post "wimmen 15"

    I think as we get older, we get better, etc.

    You despcribed a great man, and I think most of us wind up with some great partners after a few years married.


  • VIII

    HappyGuy, I was married the first time to a combo of the group I posted above.

    I am now married to your description of the Real Man . He wouldn't even date me until my former marriage was legally over. He said it just wouldn't be right. He wanted to do it *right* and wait.

    Finding a gem took time and I am one HappyGal.

    With one caveat: He does not own me. (I own him)

  • HappyGuy

    When I lived in Union City New Jersey young Spanish girls, (19-23 years young you perverts) were constantly hitting on me. Some of them didn't speak English. LOL. I asked one of them what the attraction was (I am 52) and she said "You are a real man, not like these little boys our age".

  • Tristram

    Gotta give the guy the credit...this was taken from Matt Groening's "Life In Hell" comic strip, a more bitter, funnier precursor to "The Simpsons."

  • Twitch

    I'll go with the Sneak for $1000 Alex,....

  • restrangled

    Happy guy, I hate to burst your bubble. No 19 to 23 year old girl will be hitting on a 52 year man unless they are looking for some kind of free ride, You admitted some could not speak the language......

    Any guy at that age buying into it is a letch.


  • zagor

    Definitely Mr Wrong,
    Mad, bad and dangerous to know, unapologetically living for pleasure of the moment, always persuing something that interests me, always on the move, too hard to handle and so far always found a way out of a relationship lol. But if anything is good about me is that I keep my promises whatever they are but lately I promise very little

  • HappyGuy


    My wife would disagree with you. My wife is 25. We just celebrated our first wedding anniversary.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    way to go happy guy!

    Dang i thought i was doing well with me 47 and wife 30

    afraid i'm mr ace of hearts these days!

    (i have nuthin after last divorce so i know she aint after $!)


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