conversation with wife

by inbetween 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • inbetween

    just a short info: my wife is not aware of me being here, and its not the time to tell her yet.

    however, I time and again raise questions or even disagreement with some teachings of the WTS, and she readily accepts them, but still believes, it is "the truth"

    But the other day, she talked about the anointed, the number going up, instead of down, and even saying, that maybe the number 144.000 is not literal after all, but maybe symbolic like everything else in Revelation.

    I said, I would not be surprised, if "new light" comes sooner or later.

    She said, that the term "new light" seems overused,

    I realised my chance, and put this thought deeper, example "generation" teaching, how it went from new, to newer, and back to older teachings etc..

    I was surprised at her opening up in this way...

    Later she said, that she feels bad, like an apostate, by questioning the GB..., but doesnt Jehoivah want us to do that ?

    I readily agreed, and did not push the matter further.

    I know, it is a little step forward, well actually it was quite a leap, but I know, that she will regret it, and step back once again....

    How should I continue ?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Slow and steady. She will run back to her beliefs from time to time. My wife went through that along with slowly but surely infrequaint meeting attendance. Every now and then my wife states a desire to attend but doesn't. IN fa, I can't remmbe the last time my wife mentioned meetings.

    Talk about different topics that the Dubs are weak on. Ask her opinion alot.

  • fokyc


    My wife knows all about this site and my participation; she still firmly believes it's 'the truth'.

    I wish I could answer your question, then I would know how to proceed myself.

    I am mystified


  • lisavegas420

    keep on doin' what you're doin'

    wouldn't it be cool if she way already here.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Mr. Flipper enjoys posting threads based on Steve Hassan's book, RELEASING THE BONDS. Even if you don't get the book, read some of his older threads and see some of the questions you can pose to JW's that reach the genuine person.

    Questioning doctrine works for some. Many JW's won't do it. It is good that your wife will. But there is still the canyon to cross of whether it is "the truth" or "blessed by Jehovah" or whatever way they want to phrase it. She might just think that some of the details are not quite right, but Jehovah will help them to correct it. The solution is to learn how to reach the non-cult personality.

    Also, if your wife will continue to look at doctrine, try the youtube questions posed WT Comments:

  • inbetween

    good point OTWA: the canyon might hopefully not be as deep. Because not even a year ago, I myself had this canyon. While questioning some teachings, I still thought, Jehovah will sort it out.

    However, it was only a matter of a short period of time, until this "canyon" was was not quite that big....

  • feenx

    Wait, I am totally out of the loop. What's this about the number of the 144,000 going up instead of down?? this I must hear!

  • sacolton

    Well, the GB says the new Anointed must be replacements for those who have fallen.

  • feenx

    I remember being 8 years old and when I first heard about this whole "replacement" nonesense even then it felt hoaky.

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